Technology as a Vehicle for Inclusion of Learners with Attention Deficits in Mainstream Schools

Hanne Voldborg, Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen

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    The potential of technology for supporting educational processes of
    participation, collaboration and creation is widely accepted. Likewise have
    digital tools proved to enhance learning processes for disabled learners
    (e.g. supporting dyslexia students with digital tools such as text-to-speakprograms
    or writing-support programs). A currently topical group,
    politically and educationally, in the discourse of inclusion is learners with
    extensive developmental and attention deficit disorders (e.g. Attention
    Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder
    (ADD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Autism etc.). This paper
    investigates the potential of technology for supporting the inclusion of
    this group in the general school system, i.e. into mainstream classes, using
    technology as a tool to join, participate and contribute – and as a vehicle
    for general human growth in their learning community. The paper
    presents the primer results and describes and discusses the challenges of
    both teachers’ and learners’, involved in the inclusion process. Finally, on
    the basis of findings, a typology of tools is suggested, which may support
    inclusive teaching and learning for the target group in question.
    TidsskriftEuropean Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning
    Vol/bindBest of EDEN 2015
    Udgave nummerSpecial Issue
    Sider (fra-til)1-13
    Antal sider13
    StatusUdgivet - 2016
    • Eden Annual Conference

      Hanne Voldborg (Deltager)

      9 jun. 201512 jun. 2015

      Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i konference
