The CEESA Smart Energy Systems Approach for Denmark and Europe

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The transition from fossil fuels towards the integration of more and more renewable energy requires rethinking and redesigning the energy system. In the CEESA project, the Smart Energy System approach was discovered. The project addressed Danish scenarios combined with a particular focus on renewable energy in the transport system. Currently research based on this approach is conducted on the European level. Previously significant focus has been put on the electricity sector alone to solve the renewable energy integration puzzle i.e. ICT, smart meters, electricity storage technologies, smart grids etc. In contrast, the Smart Energy System focuses on merging the electricity, heating and transport sectors, in combination with various intra-hour, hourly, daily, seasonal and biannual storage options, to create the flexibility necessary to integrate large penetrations of fluctuating renewable energy. The development and design of coherent Smart Energy Systems as an integrated part of achieving future 100% renewable energy and transport solutions. To enable this, the Smart Energy System must have a number of appropriate infrastructures i.e. smart electricity grids, smart thermal grids (district heating and cooling), smart gas grids and other fuel infrastructures. It enables fluctuating renewable energy (such as wind, solar, wave power and low value heat sources) to utilise new sources of flexibility such as solid, gaseous, and liquid fuel storage, thermal storage and heat pumps, and battery electric vehicles. This integrated design of a Smart Energy System enables cost-effective 100% renewable energy systems, with synergies and flexibility at the core. Smart Energy Systems also enable a more sustainable and feasible use of bioenergy than the current types allow. It can potentially pave the way to a bioenergy-free 100% renewable energy and transport system.
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 2014
BegivenhedEnergy and Environment for the Future - Copenhagen, Danmark
Varighed: 24 nov. 201425 nov. 2014


KonferenceEnergy and Environment for the Future
