The discursive construction of person-centredness in online information leaflets addressed to patients with cancer

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The focus of this article is whether person-centredness as an approach to the patient is prevalent in the discourses seen in regional online materials for cancer patients in Denmark
The article is part of a Scandinavian research collaboration between Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The aim of this research is to study and compare discursive constructions of the concepts ‘patient’ and ‘patient identity’ in documents regarding political, national laws and steering documents, as well as regional steering documents and how they are revealed in online information leaflets for patients.
A mixed method approach has been used. Data is analysed within the framework of critical discourse analysis with Fairclough as a focal point, complemented by quantitative analyses conducted using the corpus analysis software program, AntConc.
The discursive constructions in the Danish documents regarding political, national laws and steering documents and the regional steering documents show that the patient’s scope of action is limited to a few areas, as the greater scope of action is delegated to the healthcare staff. These findings were compared to the present study. The present study reveals that the patient’s scope of action is most often limited here as well, and the patient is seen as an object for the actions of the healthcare staff.
The analysis of regional information leaflets demonstrates the presence of different constructions of person-centredness, but no consistent value-based approach has occurred as well as no descriptions of how person-centredness may be implemented in practice are present in the texts.
TidsskriftJournal for qualitative health communication
StatusUdgivet - 14 feb. 2024


  • Person-centredness
  • Information leaflets
  • Cancer patients
  • Healthcare system
  • Health Services
