The future of Arctic fjord systems. Insights from participatory scenario workshops about Nuup Kangerlua (Greenland), Isfjorden (Svalbard) and Porsangerfjorden (Norway): Deliverable 4.2 Workshop reports

Annika Nilsson, Lill Rastad Bjørst, Camilla Risvoll, Carina Ren, Tobias R. Vonnahme, Thomas Juul-Pedersen, Grete Hovelsrud, Halvor Dannevig, Majken Paulsen

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskning


Environments connected to Arctic fjords are changing rapidly, with consequences for society. A warmer climate is an important driver of change, but other factors also play a major role, including pressures and opportunities from fishing, tourism, shipping, and changing socio-economic conditions. This report provides a synthesis of insights from participatory scenario workshops with local stakeholders around the fjords Nuup Kangerlua, Greenland; Isfjorden, Svalbard; and Porsangerfjorden, Northern Norway. It includes narratives of potential futures intended as input to discussions about adaptive co-management options for two focus areas in the EU-funded FACE-IT project: Food provision and local livelihood and Nature-based tourism. While each social-ecological fjord system faces its unique management challenges, the workshops highlight several
common concerns, including changing biodiversity, the importance of policy decisions and regulations as shapers of change, and increasing competition for space.
Antal sider142
StatusUdgivet - 1 feb. 2023


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