The Importance of Aesthetics as a Dimension in Music Therapy Activity

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In Unmoderated Discussions [of Voices], I began discussing the aesthetic dimension in music therapy, taking Colin Lee's book The Architecture of Aesthetic Music Therapy as a starting-point. Several students and colleagues took part and contributed with further viewpoints, dealing with the positive qualities of the aesthetic dimension for both client and therapist, with the necessary limitation or demarcation of how far the aesthetic view can be taken in music therapy, and with the spiritual (impersonal) aspect of music. Some further thoughts in this article concern the importance of the therapists' musical craft, of musical structure and the theoretical question of what is the nature of the aesthetic dimension. Mention is made of Stige's articles stressing the necessity of applying new concepts that relate the aesthetic dimension to daily life. It is concluded that we need further discussion to clarify the role of the aesthetic dimension in music therapy.
TidsskriftVoices. A World Forum of Music Therapy
Udgave nummer1
StatusUdgivet - 1 mar. 2006

Bibliografisk note

This short article is a part of a larger context of discussion, as appears from the contents. The links stated to subsequent comments seem unfortunately to be broken by the time of writing (June 2015). However, two articles by Ken Aigen can be read as a continuation: In Defense of Beauty: A Role for the Aesthetic in Music Therapy Theory. Part 1 was published in Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 16(2), January 2007, part 2 in 17(1), January 2008. One aspect treated by Aigen here is the defence of "completion, wholeness, and unity" (p.15 in the latter) against a more modernist approach of Brynjulf Stige.


  • music therapy, aesthetics, modernism, Colin Lee, Brynjulf Stige
