Third Semester and Master’s Thesis Ideas 2020: M.Sc. in Civil and Structural Engineering

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The following pages contain a list of project ideas proposed by the scientific staff at the Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University, and a number of companies. The project ideas in this catalogue may form the basis for long and short master projects as well as regular 3rd semester projects at the M.Sc. program in Civil and Structural Engineering. On some of the project proposals it is stated which type of project the proposal is suitable for. For the rest of the proposals this question should be discussed with the potential supervisor.

Each project description provides a brief overview of the purpose as well as the main activities. Further, a weighting between theoretical analysis, experimental work and computer modelling has been proposed. Usually, this weighting can be changed slightly in accordance with the wishes of the students. The contact persons listed will usually act as supervisors. Questions regarding details about each proposed project should be directed at the contact persons. The contact details can be found via a person search on the university home page. Furthermore, other ideas for projects may be discussed with a potential supervisor. In this aspect the proposals in this catalogue can reveal the expertise and research areas of the different supervisors.

Many private engineering companies have a homepage on which they state that they would like to collaborate with students on a master project. Find out more on the individual company home pages.
UdgiverDepartment of the Built Environment, Aalborg University
Antal sider86
StatusUdgivet - 2020


  • Project ideas
  • Wave energy concerters
  • Coastal protection
  • Wave measurement
  • Rubble mound breakwaters
  • Waves
  • Bucket foundation
  • Soil stiffness
  • Numerical modelling
  • Finite element method
  • Wind turbines
  • Noise
  • Vibrations
  • Structural dynamics
  • Structural modelling
  • Fiber-cement


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