Towards solid oxide electrolysis plants in 2020

Ming Chen, Peter Blennow, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Zhe Zhang

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterForskning

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The goal of the project is to further improve performance and durability of solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs) and stacks targeting applications specifically for regulating the future Danish power system with a high amount of fluctuating renewable energies, and at the same time enhance the cost competitiveness and environmental friendliness of the SOEC technology, with an ultimate goal of making the SOEC technology ready as a key player in the transition to renewable energy available from around 2020. The current project is based on the previous line of SOEC-focused ForskEL projects (ForskEL 10609 “Development of SOEC cells and stacks” and ForskEL 12013 “Solid oxide electrolysis for grid balancing”), of which ForskEL 12013 was awarded with the ForskEL award as the best finalized ForskEL project in 2015.
StatusUdgivet - 2017
BegivenhedDen danske brint- og brændselscelledag 2017 - Odense, Danmark
Varighed: 28 nov. 201728 nov. 2017


KonferenceDen danske brint- og brændselscelledag 2017


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