Understanding land administration systems

Ian P. Williamson, Stig Enemark, Judy Wallace, Abbas Rajabifard

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This paper introduces basic land administration theory and highlights four key concepts that are fundamental to understanding modern land administration systems - firstly the land management paradigm and its influence on the land administration framework, secondly the role that the cadastre plays in contributing to sustainable development, thirdly the changing nature of ownership and the role of land markets, and lastly a land management vision that promotes land administration in support of sustainable development and spatial enablement of society. We present here the first part of the paper. The second part focuses on the changing  role of ownership and the role of land markets, and a land management vision will be published in November issue of Coordinates.
Udgivelsesdato: Oktober
Udgave nummer10
Sider (fra-til)18-30
StatusUdgivet - 2008
