Zufriedene Lehrer - zufriedene Lerner? Der Zusammenhang zwischen berufsbezogenem Lehrerwohlbefinden und der Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung im Unterrichtsalltag

Sarah Grams

    Publikation: Ph.d.-afhandling

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    This thesis contributes to two different but related issues in the research field of educational psychology. Firstly, the correlation between occupational teacher well-being and students’ perception of the teacher-student relationship is investigated. Secondly, the thesis examines the concepts of occupational well-being and strain in teachers to determine whether they can be understood at opposite ends of one continuum or as related, but separate entities – caused by different potential stress factors at the workplace. Quantitative surveys with students and teachers at eight comprehensive schools (Gesamtschulen) in Niedersachsen, Germany, provide the empirical data for both studies. Findings show that occupational teacher well-being manifests in students’ perceptions of their relationships with teachers. Results also suggest that the concepts of well-being and strain in teachers should be viewed as related, but separate entities that can vary independently. The relevance of these findings for teachers' relationships in everyday school life and for the evaluation of strain in schoolteachers is discussed.
    The thesis is written in German language. Abstracts are additionally provided in English and Danish. The author can be contacted for information in English.
    Bidragets oversatte titelContent teachers – content learners? : The correlation between occupational teacher well-being and the teacher-student relationship in everyday teaching
    • Lund, Birthe, Hovedvejleder
    • Grewe, Norbert, Hovedvejleder, Ekstern person
    ISBN'er, elektronisk978-87-7112-181-0
    StatusUdgivet - 14 okt. 2014

    Bibliografisk note

    Birthe Lund, Hovedvejleder
    Norbert Grewe, Prof. Dr. , Hovedvejleder


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    • Ph.d.-grad

      Grams, S.


      4 elementer af Mediedækning

