Borgerinddragelse i fremtidens beskæftigelsesindsats - Aalborg
- Caswell, D. (Organizer)
- Larsen, F. (Organizer)
- Nielsen, M. H. (Participant)
- Kleif, H. B. (Participant)
- Monrad, M. (Participant)
- Madsen, M. B. (Participant)
- Andersen, N. (Participant)
- CUBB - Center for Udvikling af Borgerinddragende Beskæftigelsesindsatser
- WISER - Welfare, Innovation, Social Work and Employment Relations
- The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department of Sociology and Social Work
- Public Administration & Digitalization
- Department of Politics and Society
- SSH Children and Youth Research Network
Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar