Debataften på psykologi
- Sørensen, T. A. (Participant)
- Feilberg, C. (Participant)
- Thuesen, M. (Participant)
- Kjaersdam Telleus, G. (Participant)
- Schmidt, C. (Participant)
- Department of Communication and Psychology
- The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Cognition, Development and Clinical Psychology
- Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience
- Neuroboost
- Centre for Cultural Psychology
- Share-PBL
- Institute for Advanced Study in PBL
- Psychology of Culture, Humanity and Education
- Klinisk og Sundhedspsykologisk Forskningsgruppe
- Aalborg University Hospital
- The Faculty of Medicine
- Psychiatry
Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar