Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
In the present contribution we will tell the intimate story of a sensuous (Salami 2020; Taylor & Antonacopoulou 2019) encounter (Goffman 1972) and address the consequences of radical trust amongst scholars. What happens when collaborating colleagues trust each other? What learning lays in experiences of radical trust? We investigate these research questions by means of collaborative autoethnography (Wyatt et al. 2018) and arts-based methods (Chemi & Du 2017, Adam and Owens, 2021). Our impulse has been a shared artistic experience: the production of a dramaturgical and performative event, to which we collaborated intensely and actively (Chemi 2018). This occurred at the conference AoMO 2018 in Brighton, UK, where TC acted as director/playwriter and AO and AP, who have a formal background and practice in drama and performance, staged the reading (Taylor 2008).
27 Aug 2021
Event title
Art of Management and organisation (AoMO) (online)