European GIM Conference

Activity: Talks and presentationsConference presentations


10th European Gim Conference 19 - 23 of september 2012. Vadstena Sweden. "Spiritual Diemnsions of GIM. Body Mind Soul and Music Abstract: This lecture is related to Lars Ole Bonde´s Keynote presentation, as we performed together several groups in the moderated GIM format of "Group Music and Imagery (GrpMI)" for psychiatric outpatients (adults) with a GAF score higher than 31 and with McGlashans´s Relational Level of Process higher than 4 in the years 2008-2010. I will present two case studies concerning two of the participants taking part in these group experiences. Focus will be on developments in the self-reported problem area of `strengthening the feeling of identity and self-esteem", which both clients shose among different possibilities. The two clients were assessed and showed very different ways of responding to the same piece of music before start of treatment. One experienced imageries as a film, the other mostly experienced the music through the body. I will relate their processess to a local theory model of being present called: The three imaginary `being present´- and communication ´spaces´- the private space, the social space and the soloist space.`This model offers an overall way of understanding one´s way of being present in the world (existentialistic understanding) and relating dynamically to others (psychodynamic understanding). I will present selected excerpts of the client´s processes such as the music they listen to, mandalas, narratives and their closing self reported outcome of the treatment. I will relate this to the theory model and show how strengthening of the feeling of identity and self-esteem through Group Music and Imagery can be understood through this theory model - also for psychiatric patients.
Period22 Sept 2012
Event titleEuropean GIM Conference: Spiritual Dimensions of GIM. Body, Mind Soul and Music
Event typeConference
Conference number10th
LocationVadstena, SwedenShow on map