Girls' Day in Science AAU 2019
- Amelia Reimer Borregaard (Organizer)
- Jensen, R. H. (Organizer)
- Jensen, A. L. (Participant)
- Svane, A. M. (Participant)
- Anne Juhler Hansen (Participant)
- Andersen, A. (Participant)
- Nors, B. (Participant)
- Quist-Jensen, C. A. (Participant)
- Katrine Vogt Møller (Participant)
- Frandsen, K. M. (Participant)
- Lea Tøttrup (Participant)
- Marike Koch van den Broek (Participant)
- Kørnøv, L. (Participant)
- Janne Jul Jensen (Participant)
- Vibeke R Borregaard (Participant)
- Lotte Sørensen (Participant)
- Department of the Built Environment
- Urban Pollution Research Group
- The Faculty of Engineering and Science
- Human-Centered Computing
- The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
- Department of Computer Science
- AAU Energy
- Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Human Machine Interaction
- Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
- Computer Graphics Group
- Visual Analysis and Perception
- Section for Media Technology - Campus Aalborg
- Production
- Department of Materials and Production
- Mass Customization
- Department of Sustainability and Planning
- The Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment
- Center for Membrane Technology
- Department of Chemistry and Bioscience
- Neural Engineering and Neurophysiology
- Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain
- The Faculty of Medicine
- Department of Health Science and Technology
- Human Robot Interaction
- AAU Arctic
- Energy and Buildings Research Group
- Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar