Incentivising and measuring Science for Policy impact

Activity: Talks and presentationsConference presentations


Policy reforms require setting goals and measuring impact. What does success look like in S4P? How can we map the impact of S4P? How do we evaluate S4P schemes and programmes? How do we create the right incentives for both researchers and policymakers?


- Gaby Umbach (Co-Principal of the Interdisciplinary Research Cluster on ‘Crisis of Expert Knowledge and Authority’ at the European University Institute)

- Barbara Albiger (Principal expert in Scientific Quality at European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)

- Kathryn Oliver (Associate Professor of Sociology and Public Health London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Co-Lead of the community ‘Transforming Evidence’)

- David Budtz Pedersen (Professor of science communication and science policy studies, Aalborg University, Denmark)

- Mina Shoylekova (Head of Sector, Public Administration and Governance, European Commission Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support)

Moderator: Olaf Bruns
Period11 Oct 2023
Event titleScience for Policy in Europe Conference: Building better science for policy ecosystems
Event typeConference
LocationBrussels , BelgiumShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational