Internet of Things: Risk and Value Considerations (Journal)

    Activity: Editorial work and peer reviewPeer review of manuscriptsResearch


    The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has the potential to be staggeringly transformational and, at the same time, highly disruptive to business. Business value and organizational competitiveness can be derived as enterprises capitalize on these new capabilities to gain more and better business value from IoT devices. With that additional value comes additional risk – or, at least, new avenues of risk. Devices with "always on" network connectivity are enabling new types of attacks that have not been seen in the past; these devices represent a new set of targets for potential data exposure and crime. It is imperative that assurance, security and governance professionals take notice of the IoT
    trend because it has the potential to redefine the risk equation within many enterprises

    Expert reviewer af White paper om Internet of Things
    Period22 Aug 201427 Aug 2014
    Type of journalJournal