PhD Chairman - Amila Thibbotuwawa, AAU

Activity: PhD Supervision, Examination, and External Examiner ActivitiesInternal examination


Thesis title: "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Fleet Mission Planning – Subject to Changing Weather Conditions"

This PhD project addresses the current gap in state-of-the-art mission planning for a UAV fleet, by taking into account the changing weather (wind speed and directions) conditions and generating alternative robust mission plans. Furthermore, the aim of the research is to propose solutions of collision-free mission plans for a fleet of UAVs providing the maximum satisfaction of all given customers’ orders in a manner that enables decision support for an operator of a UAV fleet.
Period6 Dec 2019
PersonAmila Indunil Thibbotuwawa Gamage
At Organisation


  • UAV
  • fleet management
  • collision-free mission planning
  • optimization