Sustainability Lab (External organisation)

Activity: MembershipsMembership of research networks or expert groups


Sustainability Lab fosters research and knowledge-based education, training, and consulting to help students, companies and public organisations to respond to dynamic challenges and requirements that sustainability agenda present.

Our mission is to create and deliver the most innovative knowledge and solution to empower managers and leaders everywhere to think innovatively and take action, professionally, and personally, so that humans and nature can thrive for generations to come.

We have adopted a multidisciplinary approach to create knowledge, examine critical problems and find innovative solutions for companies to achieve economic, social and environmental sustainability at both micro-foundation level (human, product, micro components and organism level), firm level ( i.e. business model and competitive strategies), system level, global value chain level, industry level, and country level.
We also apply multiple perspectives, (i.e. technological, social, management, financial, innovation, and strategy perspectives) in understanding, assessing and solving the problems for companies deriving from sustainability requirements in domestic and global context. Our focus is on enhancing livelihoods, improving life choices and opportunities and supporting innovations to improve the sustainability of communities and the planet at large.
Period31 Aug 2020
Held atSustainability Lab, Denmark
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • sustainability, climate change, Circular economy, Sustainability-driven business modelling strategies