Workshop for Mission Projects: Mission Improving the Well-Being of Children and Youth
- Nissen, M. A. (Organizer)
- Grangaard, S. (Organizer)
- Serafin, S. (Organizer)
- Agergaard, S. (Organizer)
- Lukassen, N. B. (Organizer)
- Hansen, S. (Organizer)
- [Mission] Improved Wellbeing Among Children And Youth In Denmark
- SCOPAS - Shaping Concepts, Practice and Advances in Social Work
- The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department of Sociology and Social Work
- Universal Design Research Group
- Department of the Built Environment
- Division of Town, Housing and Property
- The Faculty of Engineering and Science
- Sport & Social Issues
- The Faculty of Medicine
- Department of Health Science and Technology
- Sound and Music Computing
- Section for Media Technology - Campus Copenhagen
- Multisensory Experience Laboratory
- The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
- Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
- Missionssekretariatet
- AAU Shared Services
- Research Services
- [Mission] A Sustainable Danish Energy System
Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar