Additional file 3: of Wolf outside, dog inside? The genomic make-up of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

  • Elena Fabbri (Creator)
  • Marco Galaverni (Creator)
  • Barbora Černá Bolfíková (Creator)
  • Ettore Randi (University of Bologna) (Creator)
  • Alessio Camatta (Creator)
  • Romolo Caniglia (Creator)
  • Milena Jindřichová (Creator)
  • Astrid Vik Strønen (Creator)
  • Paolo Carnier (Creator)
  • Pavel Hulva (Creator)
  • Ihor Dykyy (Creator)



Figure S3. PC1 vs. PC2 results from an exploratory principal component analysis (PCA) computed in SVS on the 126k SNP dataset and including dogs from 30 pure breeds (extrapolated from the available LUPA project dataset; top side of the graph, in grey inside the circle), Carpathian wolves (WCA; black dots to the left), German Shepherds (GSh; light grey dots in the bottom), and Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs (CWD; dark gray dots in the bottom). The two axes are not to scale, in order to better distinguish individuals along PC2. (PDF 202 kb)
Date made available14 Jul 2018

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