ComPara: A Corpus Linguistics Dataset of Computation in Architecture



A corpus linguistics built to study the language of computational architecture, or architecture which focuses on technology developments. The corpus includes: (1) the volume titles, titles of articles and introduction keywords for the journal Architectural Design (AD) to retrieve keynotes in theoretical discourse, and (2) titles and abstracts of winning and honourable mentions of the eVolo Skyscraper competition to retrieve words in conceptual project titles and their descriptions. This dataset has around 100.000 words and can serve as a basis for quantitative, qualitative or mixed method analysis of the language used in AD and the eVolo skyscraper competition between 2005 and 2019. As AD is recognized as one of the journals focusing on the 'digital turns' in architecture, and eVolo is a the most prestigious architectural competitions which focus on technological advances in architetcure, ComPara can be considered respresentative for the language of computational architecture over the last 15 years. It includes .txt and .csv files as well as .svg and wordclouds.
Date made available21 Oct 2020
PublisherMendeley Data
Temporal coverage2005 - 2019


  • computational architecture
  • corpus linguistics
  • architectural theory
  • natural language processing
  • digital architecture
  • parametric architecture
  • algorithmic architecture

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