Seismocardiography is the measurement of vibration waves caused by the beating heart with accelerometer(s) placed on the chest. Investigating the nature and the behavior of these vibration waves, by comparing measurements from multiple sites, would help to understand the heart’s mechanical contraction activity. Using newly designed multichannel seismocardiogram equipment, it was possible to investigate the vibration waves with 16 three-axis sensors. The equipment performed well with highly precise synchronization rate over 10 min, linear frequency response and high signal quality. The vibration waves were analyzed using the sagittal axis, a single cardiac cycle and focusing on four fiducial points. Two of the fiducial point where the negative and positive peaks associated with aorta valve opening, along with peaks associated with aorta valve closing. The respective average centers of mass of the four fiducial points in 13 subjects were at (frontal axis: 35 mm, vertical axis: 5 mm), (31, 6), (26, 24), and (4, -2), relative to the Xiphoid Process. Similar patterns among the subjects were identified for the propagation of the waves across the chest for the 4 fiducial points. The multichannel seismocardiogram equipment successfully revealed a general pattern present in chest surface vibration maps.
Multichannel Seismocardiography from 13 healthy subjects. Measurements were conducted on 13 male subjects with mean age 27±4 years, and mean BMI of 24±4 kg·m-2. The study was approved by the North Denmark Region Committee on Health Research Ethics: N-20170008. The sensors were placed in a 4 by 4 grid formation on the volunteer’s chest, along with a 3-lead ECG and a respiration belt. The sensor grid was placed such that the sensor in location 3,2 was placed at the Xiphoid Process, and such that the centers of adjacent sensors were spaced at approximately 40 mm. Subjects were placed in a supine position and minimum 1-minute recordings were obtained with a 500 Hz sampling rate.
Date made available | 19 May 2020 |
Publisher | Mendeley Data |
Date of data production | 2017 - 2020 |