Description of impact
Cultural ImpactThis project highlights the significant role language plays in shaping public behaviour, specifically through the speech act “hold afstand”. By analysing how language and semiotic interventions, like no-seating stickers, influence passengers’ actions, this research contributes to understanding how cultural norms and practices are formed and maintained in public transport settings. It emphasizes the cultural shifts in behaviour and risk management induced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quality of Life Impact
The project demonstrates that managing risk communication effectively can lead to better adherence to health guidelines, thereby reducing the spread of contagion and enhancing overall public health. It shows how passengers’ mutual efforts to follow guidelines can create a safer travel environment, which in turn can encourage the use of public transport, contributing to more sustainable mobility solutions.
Political Impact
By examining how governmental and transport company guidelines are designed and implemented, and how passengers respond to them, the project sheds light on the interaction between policy and public compliance. It underscores the importance of clear and context-sensitive communication in policymaking and the potential for guidelines to shape public behaviour. It also reveals the political implications of public perception and adherence to health guidelines.
Social Impact
The project reveals how social dynamics and individual interactions play a crucial role in the successful implementation of public health measures in public transport. It highlights the social negotiations and resistances that occur in response to semiotic interventions, illustrating the complexities of collective behaviour management. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of social responsibility and cooperation in times of crisis.
Other Impact
The insights gained from this project can inform future risk communication strategies and public health campaigns, especially in scenarios requiring collective behavioural changes. The findings about the reluctance of passengers to use “fear of contagion” as a justification for their transport choices suggest a need for more nuanced and contextually appropriate communication strategies that align with people’s rational and ethical considerations.
This comprehensive analysis showcases how interdisciplinary research can yield valuable insights into managing public behaviour and enhancing public transport systems during health crises.
Category of impact | Other impact, Cultural impact, Quality of life impact, Public policy impact, Social impact |
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