Projects per year
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BUMUS: Bæredygtig Udvidelse af Muslingeproduktionen
Madsen, C. B. (PI)
01/03/2024 → 01/03/2027
Project: Research
Big Brother <em>is</em> watching you! - Extracting a good quality face image from a poor quality surveillance video<strong/>
Moeslund, T. B. (Project Coordinator), Holte, M. B. (Project Participant), Fihl, P. (Project Participant), Hansen, D. M. (Project Participant) & Nasrollahi, K. (Project Participant)
01/10/2007 → …
Project: Research
COST ACTION 2101: Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smarts Cards
Moeslund, T. B. (Project Manager)
21/09/2006 → …
Project: Research
DIME (digitale interaktive medier)
Rasmussen, T. A. (Project Participant) & Jensen, J. F. (Project Participant)
03/02/2006 → …
Project: Research
CityVR: Evaluating Parametric City Designs in Virtual Reality
Madsen, C. B. (PI), Steinø, N. (PI) & Lucaci, A.-I. (Other)
15/10/2020 → 01/07/2022
Project: Research
Digital technologies for Industry 4.0
Berardinelli, G. (Project Coordinator), Nyman, U. (Project Participant), Schjørring, A. (Project Participant), Schiøler, H. (Project Participant), Tan, Z.-H. (Project Participant), Popovski, P. (Project Participant), Kristjansen, M. (Project Participant), Klicius, N. (Project Participant), Xie, Y. (Project Participant), Chiariotti, F. (Project Participant) & Kalør, A. E. (Project Participant)
01/03/2019 → 28/02/2021
Project: Research
ASIR: ASIR: Autonomous Sewer Inspection Robot
Moeslund, T. B. (PI), Haurum, J. B. (PI), Bahnsen, C. H. (PI) & Hansen, B. D. (PI)
01/11/2018 → 30/04/2022
Project: Research
MADE Digital WP9 - Aesthetic Quality Control
Hansen, A. J. (PI), Knoche, H. (PI) & Moeslund, T. B. (PI)
01/03/2017 → 01/08/2020
Project: Research
PBL and IT - Improving Moodle for flipped classrooms to decrease drop-outs
Knoche, H. (PI), Christensen, B. C. (Project Participant), Bruun-Pedersen, J. R. (Project Participant), Timcenko, O. (Project Participant), Kofoed, L. B. (Project Participant), Madsen, C. B. (Project Participant) & Gade, R. (Project Participant)
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
Drone Application for Pioneering Reporting in Wind Turbine Blade Inspection
Madsen, C. B. (PI), Ladefoged, K. S. (PI) & Nikolov, I. A. (Other)
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
Arkitektur og Livskvalitet; hvordan arkitektur kan påvirke kroppen og psyken gennem stress systemet.
Brorson Fich, L. (PI), Petrini, L. (Project Participant), Jönsson, P. (CoI), Hansen, Å. (Project Participant), Kraus, M. (Project Participant), Rossander, P. (Project Participant) & Erikson, J. (Project Participant)
01/02/2016 → 25/03/2020
Project: Research
Leading Edge Roughness - Wind Turbine Blades
Madsen, C. B. (PI), Nikolov, I. A. (PI) & Ladefoged, K. S. (PI)
01/10/2015 → 01/05/2019
Project: Research
Collaboration on Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
Kraus, M. (Project Participant), Kibsgaard, M. (Project Participant), Poulsen, J. (Project Participant) & Petersson, J. (Project Participant)
03/09/2012 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Koldinghus Augmented: The Castle Chapel
Madsen, C. B. (Project Participant), Stenholt, R. (Project Participant), Skotte, P. (Project Participant) & Madsen, J. B. (Project Participant)
01/01/2012 → 31/12/2012
Project: Research
Koldinghus Augmented: The Walls Remember
Madsen, C. B. (Project Participant), Stenholt, R. (Project Participant), Skotte, P. (Project Participant) & Madsen, J. B. (Project Participant)
01/09/2011 → 01/03/2012
Project: Research
File -
VR Media Lab, Virtual Reality Media Lab
Kjems, E. (Project Participant) & Granum, E. (Project Participant)
19/05/2010 → 19/05/2013
Project: Research
AMOK - Audiovisuelle Medier Og Kognition. Forskernetværk under FKK
Hansen, O. E. (Project Participant), Jantzen, C. (Project Participant) & Grodal, T. (Project Participant)
19/05/2010 → 18/05/2012
Project: Research
Kjems, E. (Contact), Kolar, J. (Project Participant), Bodum, L. (Project Participant), AS, V. (Project Manager), es, I. (Project Participant), AS, N. (Project Participant), Healthcare, V. (Project Participant), Kommune, D. (Project Participant) & SF, S. (Project Participant)
VERDIKT, under Norges ForskningsRåd
01/05/2008 → 01/05/2012
Project: Research
Decoding Human Intentions by Mobile Robot Interaction
Svenstrup, M. (Project Participant), Bak, T. (Other) & Andersen, H. J. (Other)
01/09/2007 → 01/09/2010
Project: PhD Project
Shoplev: Netværk om shopping og oplevelser er et netværk under Forskerkontakten
Rasmussen, T. A. (Project Manager), Jantzen, C. (Project Manager), Rosenstand, C. A. G. F. (Project Participant), Jensen, T. (Project Participant), Vetner, M. (Project Participant), Allingham, P. (Project Participant) & Smed, S. G. (Project Participant)
01/09/2006 → 01/09/2008
Project: Research
Christensen, J. R. (Project Coordinator), Pedersen, L. Y. (Project Participant), Sørensen, B. (Other), Poulsen, T. B. (Project Participant), Agger, G. M. (Project Participant), Christiansen, S. (Project Participant), Konzack, L. (Project Participant), Knakkergaard, M. (Project Participant), Hansen, O. E. (Project Participant), Hansen, K. T. (Project Participant), Bonde, A. (Project Participant), Elias, C. (Project Participant) & Andersen, D. (Project Participant)
01/09/2006 → 29/12/2009
Project: Research
Netværk om intelligent teknologi for jordbrug
Andersen, H. J. (Project Participant) & Ravn, A. P. (Project Participant)
01/10/2005 → 01/10/2006
Project: Research
Plan B
Jensen, J. F. (Project Manager), Rasmussen, T. A. (Project Manager), Kofoed, P. (Project Participant), Christensen, L. H. (Project Participant), Smed, S. G. (Project Coordinator), Jeppesen, B. (Project Coordinator) & Rosenstand, C. A. G. F. (Project Participant)
01/09/2005 → 30/11/2007
Project: Research
ComITop – Computerspil og IT-baserede oplevelser
Jensen, J. F. (Project Manager), Hyldig, N. (Project Participant), Konzack, L. (Project Participant), Hansen, O. E. (Project Participant), Jensen, T. (Project Participant), Rosenstand, C. A. G. F. (Project Participant) & Smed, S. G. (Project Participant)
01/09/2005 → 31/12/2007
Project: Research
Reconstruction of 3D surface models using video cameras / Rekonstruktion af 3D overflademodeller vha. almindelige videokameraer
Granum, E. (Project Participant) & Bjørnstrup, J. (Project Participant)
31/12/2004 → 31/12/2004
Project: Research
Segmentation of skin colour under different illuminations and estimation of the colour of illuminations / Segmentering af hudfarve under forskellige lyskilder og estimering af lyskilders farve
Stoerring, M. (Project Participant), Granum, E. (Project Participant) & Andersen, H. J. (Project Participant)
31/12/2004 → 31/12/2004
Project: Research
Assessment of crops by outdoor computer vision / Afgrødevurdering og udendørs computer vision
Andersen, H. J. (Project Participant)
31/12/2004 → 31/12/2004
Project: Research
BID-TV, Brugercentreret Interaktivt Digitalt TV
Jeppesen, B. (Project Coordinator), Jensen, J. F. (Project Manager), Kofoed, P. (Project Participant), Rasmussen, T. A. (Project Participant), Christensen, L. H. (Project Participant), Jensen, T. (Project Participant) & Smed, S. G. (Project Participant)
01/04/2004 → 30/06/2007
Project: Research
Outdoor computer vision and weed control / Udendørs Computer Vision og ukrudtskontrol
Granum, E. (Project Participant) & Andersen, H. J. (Project Participant)
31/12/2003 → 31/12/2003
Project: Research
COST ACTION 287: ConGAS - Gesture Controlled Audio Systems
Moeslund, T. B. (Project Participant)
01/07/2003 → 01/07/2007
Project: Research
Computer vision for global analysis of crop canopy structure
Kirk, K. (Project Participant), Granum, E. (Project Participant) & Andersen, H. J. (Project Participant)
01/02/2002 → 01/02/2003
Project: Research