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The MAP-Knee Trail: The Effectiveness of Using a Clinical Support Tool in Managing Adolescents with Non-Traumatic Knee Pain, a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial
Riel, H. (PI), Johansen, S. K. (Project Participant), Kristensen, E. M. (PI), Bruun, M. K. (Project Participant), Bruun, N. H. (Project Participant), Djurtoft, C. (Project Participant), Døssing, S. (Project Participant), Heyckendorff-Diebold, T. (Project Participant), Hölmich, P. (Project Participant), Jensen, M. B. (Project Participant), Kaalund, S. (Project Participant), Kaldau, N.-C. (Project Participant), Oehlenschlaeger, T. F. (Project Participant), Overgaard, C. (Project Participant), Rahbek, O. (Project Participant), Rasmussen, D. B. (Project Participant), Schaarup, S. O. (Project Participant), Sørensen, T. (Project Participant), Holm Thomsen, L. L. (Project Participant) & Rathleff, M. S. (Project Licensee)
16/09/2022 → 30/04/2025
Project: Research
MathKOA: Predictive, multi-scale, multi-factorial Mathematical modeling of Knee OsteoArthritis
Andersen, M. S. (PI), Musolf, B. M. (Project Participant), Seiferheld, B. E. (Project Participant), Jung, Y. (Project Participant), Echevarria, D. M. (Project Participant), Simonsen, M. B. (Project Participant) & Thorndal, M. L. (Project Coordinator)
01/01/2022 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research
Chronic pain after total knee arthroplasty
Larsen, J. B. (PI), Skou, S. T. (CoI), Laursen, M. (CoI), Simonsen, O. (CoI), Arendt-Nielsen, L. (CoI) & Madeleine, P. (CoI)
22/03/2019 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research