Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Head of research group: Thomas Lykke Andersen

Research focus

  • Ocean Waves and Hydrodynamics
  • Experimental and Numerical Modelling
  • Breakwaters
  • Coastal Erosion and Protection
  • Offshore Wind
  • Wave Energy Converters
  • Mooring of Floating Bodies

The Ocean and Coastal Engineering Research Group (OCERG) works with marine engineering problems and especially with analysis and design of hard and soft structures exposed to wave actions. The group has a strong background in coastal and port engineering, but focus is now more towards development of wave energy and offshore wind.

The need for new knowledge
To achieve safe and economical marine structures, new and fundamental knowledge as well as improved designs are required. For instance, we need improved knowledge of the development, occurrence and modelling of extreme waves and their interaction with structures. At the same time, we need to investigate and evaluate, numerically and experimentally, new design concepts for lowering the loads and the costs on the structures, and for wave energy converters ways to improve and validate the energy capture. 

Research efforts
OCERG conducts research within the field of ocean waves, and the interaction of waves with coastal and offshore structures. Our research is focused around our experimental facilities where coastal and offshore structures are tested.

  • Laboratories: In our state-of-the-art 3-D wave basin, typically five different marine renewable energy technologies are tested every year.
  • Software: OCERG performs testing using numerical methods and is active in the development of both numerical and experimental tools. An example of a numerical software developed by OCERG is the DTOcean suite of 2nd generation advanced design tools for the selection, development and deployment of ocean energy systems.
  • Projects: OCERG also participates in field testing and demonstration projects, such as the TetraSpar floating offshore wind turbine demonstrator and the development of the DanWEC testsite for wave energy converters.   

OCERG has a close and long-term collaboration with major national and international research and consultancy companies.


  • Construction
  • Ports
  • Wave energy converters
  • Energy
  • Wave energy converters


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