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EU-DREAM: Effective Uptake of Digital Services to Repower European Consumers and Communities as Active Participants in Energy Transition and Markets
Vasquez, J. C. (PI), Arbab Zavar, B. (Project Participant) & Pugliese, A. A. (Project Coordinator)
01/07/2024 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research
Harmonic Modelling and Stability Analysis of Multi-Vendor Grid-forming Wind Power Plants
Song, J.-X. (PI), Guan, Y. (Supervisor), Chaudhary, S. (Supervisor) & Yu, Y. (Supervisor)
15/06/2024 → 14/06/2027
Project: PhD Project
NEST: National Research Infrastructure Roadmap
Sahlin, S. L. (PI), Vasquez, J. C. (CoPI), Barrios Flores, M. A. (Project Applicant), Tinajero, G. D. A. (Project Participant), Arbab Zavar, B. (Project Participant), Guerrero, J. M. (Project Participant) & Pugliese, A. A. (Project Coordinator)
Nationalt Udvalg for Forskningsinfrastruktur (NUFI)
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
To Enhance the Fault Ride Through Capability of Doubly Fed Induction Generator using Direct Matrix Converter for Wind Turbines
Asim, A. (PI), Vasquez, J. C. (Supervisor), Guan, Y. (Supervisor) & Guerrero, J. M. (Supervisor)
01/10/2023 → 30/09/2026
Project: PhD Project
Digital Twin-based Reliability Framework for Next-Generation Clean Aviation Systems
He, Q. (PI), Wei, B. (Supervisor) & Vasquez, J. C. (Supervisor)
01/10/2023 → 30/09/2026
Project: PhD Project
ActRes: Agency for resilience – Making people and energy systems fit for climate change and crises
Hellwig, R. T. (PI), dos Santos, L. F. (Project Participant), Berger, C. (Project Participant), Horvath, A.-S. (Project Participant), Horsbøl, A. (Project Participant), Vasquez, J. C. (Project Participant), Raftopoulos, M. (Project Participant), Yuan, M. (Project Participant), Rüdiger, M. (Project Participant), Sahoo, S. (Project Participant) & Guan, Y. (Project Participant)
01/09/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
File -
LastWind: Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power Generation in Ethiopia - LastWind
Guan, Y. (PI), Guerrero, J. M. (Project Participant), Vasquez, J. C. (Project Participant), Javidsharifi, M. (Project Participant), Yu, Y. (CoPI), Kang, W. (Project Participant) & Pugliese, A. A. (Project Coordinator)
01/08/2023 → 31/07/2026
Project: Research
Development of Stability Screening Methodology for 100% Inverter Based Resources in the Danish Grid
Cervantes Gómez, J. (PI), Bak, C. L. (Supervisor), Faria da Silva, F. M. (Supervisor), Chaudhary, S. (Supervisor), Liao, Y. (Supervisor) & Kwon, J. B. (Supervisor)
01/06/2023 → 31/05/2026
Project: PhD Project
Dynamic Performance and Power Quality of Large-Scale Grid-Connected Wind Power Plants
Ullah, M. (PI), Guerrero, J. M. (Supervisor), Vasquez, J. C. (Supervisor) & Guan, Y. (Supervisor)
01/03/2023 → 28/02/2026
Project: PhD Project
Sahlin, S. L. (PI), Xie, P. (Project Participant), Zhou, F. (Project Participant) & Miltersen, A. (Project Coordinator)
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
HECATE: HECATE - Hybrid Electric Regional Aircraft Distribution Technologies
Guerrero, J. M. (PI), Vasquez, J. C. (CoPI), Wei, B. (Project Participant), Bazmohammadi, N. (Project Participant), Lashab, A. (Project Participant) & Pugliese, A. A. (Project Coordinator)
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
HVDC Green: HVDC grid for interconnecting Nusantara
Chaudhary, S. (PI), Zhang, H. (Project Participant), Bak, C. L. (PI), Irnawan, R. (PI), Mochamad, R. (PI), Faria da Silva, F. M. (PI), Zhang, Q. (PI) & Pugliese, A. A. (PI)
01/09/2021 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research
A Digital Twin framework in Microgrids including Renewable Generation and Energy Storage
Safavi, V. (PI), Guerrero, J. M. (Supervisor), Vasquez, J. C. (Supervisor) & Bazmohammadi, N. (Supervisor)
01/08/2021 → 22/02/2025
Project: PhD Project
SERENE: Sutainable and Integrated Energy Systems in Local Communities
Bak-Jensen, B. (PI), Pillai, J. R. (Project Participant), Ponnaganti, P. (Project Participant), Sinha, R. (Project Participant), Bojesen, C. (Project Participant), Quinteros, K. B. (Project Coordinator), Golestan, S. (Project Participant), Pugliese, A. A. (Project Coordinator), Golmohamadi, H. (PI) & Chaudhary, S. (PI)
01/05/2021 → 30/04/2025
Project: Research
CROM: Center for Research on Microgrids
Guerrero, J. M. (PI), Vasquez, J. C. (Project Participant), Tinajero, G. D. A. (Project Participant), Akhavan, A. (Project Participant), Barrios Flores, M. A. (Project Participant) & Pugliese, A. A. (Project Coordinator)
01/08/2019 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research