Projects per year
Organisation profile
Organisation profile
The research group focuses on developing theoretical perspectives, concepts, models and practices that can strengthen knowledge, reflection on and development of social work.
This is done through experimental theoretical, empirical, methodical research focusing on the applied aspects of welfare and social change.
The research group is actively promoting interdisciplinary empirical and theoretical research. This is done through a focus on the following themes:
- The interplay of ideas on welfare, social problems, welfare state, social policy, knowledge, values, governance rationales, technologies, civil society and social work as a profession and practice through studies that transcend and challenge existing categorisations of social work, social problems and the citizen as an individual and person in society.
- The knowledge base of applied social work in society through the exploration of a) concepts in social work e.g. holistic, human vision, social problems, power, change, relationships, inclusion, resources, networks, development potentials, innovation and/or, (b) social work practices, e.g. conversations, observations, social group work, local community work and/or c) hidden aspects of social work e.g. emotions, emotions, bodies and materiality.
- Developments in social work across societies, cultures, welfare models, welfare policy traditions, organizations and professions through method combination and the development of comparative studies across local/global contexts.
- Development of theoretical perspectives, models, concepts and research methods aimed at research in and for social work as a profession and practice.
Collaborations from the last five years
LIVSMOD: Livskvalitet og sundhed for mennesker med opioidafhængighed
Fallov, M. A., Kristensen, C. L. & Nørup, I.
01/10/2023 → 31/05/2026
Project: Research
Børn, unge og forældres deltagelse som drivkraft for udvikling af socialfaglige kompetencer
01/03/2023 → 28/02/2027
Project: PhD Project
RESPONSIVE: RESPONSIVE - Increasing Responsiveness to Citizen Voice in Social Services Across Europe
Uggerhøj, L. (PI), Andersen, M. L. (Project Participant), Müller, M. (PI), Rømer, M. (PI), Meier, N. (Project Participant), Schultz, T. (Project Participant), Vangsgaard, P. (Project Participant), Hammershøi, V. (Project Participant), Andersen, M. B. (Project Participant) & Westh, S. (Project Participant)
01/03/2023 → 28/02/2026
Project: Research
Loïc Wacquant
Fallov, M. A., 2025, (Submitted) Sociologiske perspektiver på socialt arbejde. Müller, M., Bak, C. K. & Jones, S. (eds.). SamfundslitteraturResearch output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Advancing Digital Social Work through Post-Structuralist Critique: Developing Online Anti-Radicalization and Pro-Democratization Measures
Jørgensen, A. M., 2024, (Submitted) In: Advances in Social Work.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Børne- og ungesyn i socialt arbejde
Jacobsen, B., Engen, M. & Mølholt, A.-K., 23 Apr 2024, (Accepted/In press) Hans Reitzels Forlag.Research output: Book/Report › Book › Education › peer-review
Årets underviser socialrådgiveruddannelsen
Nielsen, Vibeke Bak (Recipient), 2020
Prize: Educational prizes
Experience-based Knowledge From Supervised Contact Gives Rise To A More Diverse Perspective On Participation That Can Strengthen The Implementation Of UNCRC
Mona Ravn (Lecturer)
2 Sept 2024 → 4 Sept 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Participation In Supervised Contact – The Importance Of Confirming Feelings, Identities, And Relationships Beyond The Limited Time And Space Of Contact
Mona Ravn (Lecturer)
17 Jun 2024 → 19 Jun 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Nordic Social Work Research (Journal)
Vibeke Bak Nielsen (Peer reviewer)
Jun 2024 → …Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Giv plads til omsorg i praksis
17/09/2024 → 18/09/2024
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Debat: Her er tre nøgleopgaver som Mission Manager
Niels Bech Lukassen, Maria Appel Nissen & Jakob Stoustrup
16/09/2024 → 18/09/2024
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Opsamling på temadebat: Barnets Lov er fuld af huller - men et skridt i den rigtige retning
Hanne Hartoft & Maria Appel Nissen
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media