Personal profile

Research profile

I am an anthropologists of more-than technological entanglements. My current research investigates cybersecurity in small and medium-sized enterprises, sustainability and data infrastructures. I employ ethnographic methods and explore the virtues of digital methods and AI for my ethnographies.

Teaching profile

My teaching is project-oriented. I have co-supervised several participatory data ethnographies (, where students immersed in fields to understand and articulate interlocutor's concerns and co-design data stories. The courses were interdisciplinary. Other teaching includes: cybersecurity ethnography, ethnographic methods, cultural theory, introduction to Science and Technology Studies (STS). I am part of several STS networks, mobilising international contacts to conduct visitations in my teaching.

External positions

board member stsing e.V.

1 Aug 202015 Aug 2023

Ruhr University Science and Technology Lab (RUSTlab)


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