Projects per year
Personal profile
Education/Academic qualification
Ph.d. Center for Ungdomsforskning
2013 → 2016
Kandidat i psykologi og kommunikation (Cand. Comm), Roskilde University
1991 → 1999
External positions
Privatpraktiserende psykoterapeut
2010 → 2013
Kvalitativ Senior Konsulent , Gads Research
2009 → 2010
Ekstern lektor , Department of Psychology, University of Mauritius
2006 → 2007
Kvalitativ Konsulent , Gads Research
2002 → 2006
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations from the last five years
Psykologisering og nye former for udsathed blandt unge: et tveægget sværd?
01/05/2024 → 30/10/2027
Project: Research
Psykisk ohälsa och våldsutsatthet bland HBTQI-ungdomar: en komparativ studie i svensk och dansk skola
Sørensen, N. U., Görlich, A., Odenbring , Y. & Sorbring, E.
02/01/2023 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
Hvordan giver det mening at være ung på EUD? Et forskningsprojekt om unge under 25 år og deres møde med erhvervsuddannelsernes grundforløb
Louw, A. (PI), Mahler, A. (Project Participant), Görlich, A. (Project Participant), Nielsen, K. T. P. (Project Participant), Thomsen, E. S. (Project Participant), Katznelson, N. (Project Participant) & Krogh, S. C. (PI)
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
File -
Faglig tilblivelse og øget gennemførsel på SOSU H
Görlich, A., Louw, A., Nielsen, K. T. P. & Thomsen, E. S.
01/08/2022 → 31/03/2026
Project: Research
Kränkningar risikerar att bli normaliserade
Görlich, A., Sørensen, N. U., Odenbring , Y. & Sorbring, E., 1 Mar 2024, In: Skolhälsan. p. 34 35 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research
Mistrivsel som (over)belastning
Katznelson, N. & Görlich, A., 2024, In: Kvan - et tidsskrift for læreruddannelsen og folkeskolen.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Not well enough: acceleration, performance and psychologization in young people’s lives
Görlich, A., Katznelson, N. & Pless, M., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Journal of Youth Studies.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Not well enough: Acceleration, performance and psychologization in young people’s lives
Görlich, A., Katznelson, N. & Pless, M., 2024, In: Journal of Youth Studies.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Practicing poetic inquiry: Bringing affective perspectives into qualitative research
Görlich, A., 27 Apr 2023, In: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South (SOTL). 7, 1, p. 129-146 18 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)46 Downloads (Pure)
Nuancer i forståelsen af psykisk mistrivsel hos de unge
Anne Görlich (Lecturer)
11 Dec 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Unge med psykiske vanskeligheder: Udfordringsbilledet og målgruppen
Anne Görlich (Lecturer)
29 Nov 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Hvordan skal vi forstå problemet med den stigende mistrivsel blandt børn og unge?
Anne Görlich (Lecturer)
20 Nov 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Mistrivsel og ny udsathed i ungdomslivet
Anne Görlich (Lecturer)
9 Oct 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Ny udsathed
Anne Görlich (Lecturer)
4 Sept 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Forsker undersøger diagnoseordene i hverdagssproget: - Psykologien kan nærmest virke mod hensigten
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Rapport viser glimt af håb for unges trivsel
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Hvad gør det ved unge, at psykologien er overalt?
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Urolige konfirmander til debat: Autoritetstab gør undervisning sværere
12/01/2024 → 13/01/2024
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Vi mærker, føler og kigger indad for at mestre livet. Men måske ser vi nu 'psykologiseringens' slagside
26/12/2023 → 30/12/2023
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media