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Partnerskab om unges mistrivsel i Aalborg
Vardinghus-Nielsen, H. (PI), Bøggild, H. (CoI), Fallov, M. A. (CoI) & Nissen, M. A. (CoI)
01/11/2024 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research
SOLO: Strengthened efforts for traffic victims: bicyclists and pedestrians in solitary accidents
Bøggild, H. (PI), Petersen, K. S. (PI), Lahrmann, H. (PI) & Olesen, A. V. (CoI)
01/07/2024 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
Dist-HL: Dist-HL: Distributed health literacy - development of concept and scale
Bøggild, H. (PI), Vardinghus-Nielsen, H. (PI) & Nielsen, M. G. (PI)
01/09/2023 → 31/08/2028
Project: Research
HL-DIGI: Digitale sundhedskompetencer: udvikling af værktøj og håndtering af lav DHL
Bøggild, H. (PI)
01/09/2022 → 01/01/2026
Project: Research
OHL-hos: OHL-hos: organizational health literacy - translation and evaluation of the SAT-OHL-Hos tool
Bøggild, H. (PI) & Jensen, B. (PI)
01/09/2022 → 01/01/2026
Project: Research
C19 Symptom Mapping
Boudreau, S. (PI), Bøggild, H. (Project Participant), Duroux, M. (Project Participant) & Holden, S. (Project Participant)
26/03/2020 → …
Project: Research
Quality of life in patients surviving out of hospital heart arrest
Bøggild, H. (PI) & Jensen, B. (CoI)
01/02/2023 → 31/01/2025
Project: Research
COM-P: HLS19-COM-P - måling af kommunikative sundhedskompetencer med egen læge
Bøggild, H. (PI), Jensen, B. (CoI) & Vardinghus-Nielsen, H. (CoI)
01/12/2022 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
Aldring og fysisk krævende arbejde: Et kvalitativt studie af ældre håndværkeres oplevelse af aldring og arbejdsdeltagelse
Petersen, K. S. (PI), Bøggild, H. (Project Participant), Fonager, K. (Project Participant) & Hansen, C. D. (Project Participant)
01/07/2020 → 30/06/2023
Project: Research
HLS19: Health Literacy Survey
Bøggild, H. (PI), Nielsen, M. G. (CoI) & Svendsen, M. T. (CoI)
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Early warning: Recognition of early warning symptoms
Jensen, B. (PI), Bøggild, H. (PI), Vardinghus-Nielsen, H. (PI), Torp-Pedersen, C. (PI) & Kragholm, K. H. (PI)
01/09/2019 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Shared Oral Care. Improvement of Oral Care in Insitutionalized Elderly in Aalborg Municipality (DECIPH'er affiliated project)
Aagaard, K. (Project Manager), Overgaard, C. (PI), Bøggild, H. (CoI), Hartmann, L. G. (Project Participant), Bagger, M. (Project Participant) & Hede, B. (Project Participant)
01/02/2017 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research
VSH: Our Healthy Community
Bøggild, H. (PI) & Vardinghus-Nielsen, H. (PI)
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
Social inequality in participation for colorectal cancer screening
Bøggild, H. (PI), Deding, U. (PI) & Torp-Pedersen, C. (PI)
01/01/2016 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
ALFA: Aldring og fysisk betonet arbejde
Bøggild, H. (PI), Madeleine, P. (PI), Norheim, K. L. (Project Participant), Hansen, C. D. (PI), Hansen, M. S. J. (Project Participant), Fonager, K. (PI), Omland, Ø. (PI) & Bønløkke, J. H. (PI)
01/01/2015 → 28/02/2020
Project: Research