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Kernegruppe på forprojekt: 'Learning from Collaboration. Building Future Practice'
Riesto, S. (Project Manager), Steiner, H. (Project Manager), Tvedebrink, T. D. O. (Project Participant), Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant), Søberg, M. (Project Participant), Baumeister, R. (Project Participant), Zwisler, L. (Project Participant) & Højgaard Christiansen, L. (Project Participant)
01/10/2024 → …
Project: Other
Socialt blandede bydele: Et ph.d.-projekt om det byggede miljøs betydning for det sociale liv i blandede bydele
Sundstrup, R. B. (PI) & Bech-Danielsen, C. (Supervisor)
Realdania, Grundejernes Investeringsfond, Aase og Ejnar Danielsens fond
01/04/2023 → 31/03/2026
Project: PhD Project
Fremtidens Boligorganisation: Hvordan kan boligorganisationer skabe bæredygtige byområder?
Olesen, K. (PI), Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant), Lissandrello, E. (Project Participant) & Howells, M. (Project Participant)
01/09/2021 → 30/06/2025
Project: Research
Følgeevaluering af danske ghettoomdannelser for Landsbyggefonden
Bech-Danielsen, C. (PI), Mechlenborg, M. (CoI), Stender, M. (CoI), Nordberg, L. W. (CoI), Sundstrup, R. B. (CoI) & Nielsen, R. S. (CoI)
01/01/2019 → 31/12/2029
Project: Consultancy
Evaluering af almene renoveringer 2020-2023, Sociale renoveringer
Bech-Danielsen, C. (PI), Stender, M. (PI), Nordberg, L. W. (PI) & Sundstrup, R. B. (PI)
01/01/2021 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Bevaringshensyn ved energirenovering
Jensen, O. M. (Project Manager), Kirkeby, I. M. (Project Participant), Jensen, J. O. (Project Participant) & Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant)
01/04/2020 → 31/03/2023
Project: Research
Boligliv i Højden
Mechlenborg, M. (PI), Bech-Danielsen, C. (CoI) & Hauxner, K. (CoI)
02/09/2019 → 28/02/2021
Project: Research
Altaners Sociale Liv
Stender, M. (PI), Jepsen, M. B. (CoI) & Bech-Danielsen, C. (CoI)
07/06/2019 → 27/11/2020
Project: Research
Diversify Now
Erøy Sollien, S. (PI), Bech-Danielsen, C. (Supervisor) & Nielsen, S. (Supervisor)
01/05/2018 → 30/04/2021
Project: Research
Nordic Research Network for Architectural Anthropology
Stender, M. (PI) & Bech-Danielsen, C. (CoI)
01/01/2018 → 30/06/2022
Project: Research
Evaluering af forsøg med modulsystemer i tomme bygninger
Bertelsen, N. H. (Project Manager), Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant), de Place Hansen, E. J. (Project Participant), Haugbølle, K. (Project Participant), Stender, M. (Project Participant), Mechlenborg, M. (Project Participant) & Rasmussen, T. V. (Project Participant)
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2020
Project: Consultancy
Evaluering af Landsbyggefondens renoveringer fra 2014-2016.
Mechlenborg, M. (CoI) & Bech-Danielsen, C. (PI)
01/04/2016 → 01/11/2017
Project: Consultancy
Lys og luft! Temadag om potentialer og udfordringer på indeklimaområdet.
Kirkeskov, J. (Project Participant), Larsen, T. S. (Project Participant), Ærø, T. (Project Participant), Gunnarsen, L. (Project Participant), Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant), Kolarik, B. (Project Participant), Johnsen, K. (Project Participant) & Petersen, L. (Project Participant)
01/02/2010 → 30/06/2010
Project: Research
Strømninger i boligarkitketuren. Skiftende tendenser i velfærdssamfundets boliger - før og nu.
Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant)
01/01/2009 → 01/06/2010
Project: Research
Evaluering af omprioriteringsloven 2000, fase 2
Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Manager), Ginnerup, S. (Project Participant) & Jensen, J. O. (Project Participant)
01/12/2008 → 31/12/2010
Project: Research
Architecture, Energy and Climate
Lauring, M. (Project Manager), Næss, P. (Project Participant), Silva, V. (Project Participant), Haase, M. (Project Participant), Andresen, I. (Project Participant), Time, B. (Project Participant), Hestnes, A. G. (Project Participant), Marsh, R. A. (Project Participant), Grupe Larsen, V. (Project Participant), Hacker, J. (Project Participant), Knudstrup, M.-A. (Project Participant) & Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant)
01/08/2008 → 01/03/2010
Project: Research
Improvement of social housing estates - an evaluation
Vestergaard, H. (Project Manager), Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant), Andersen, H. S. (Project Participant), Haagerup, C. D. (Project Participant) & Scherg, R. H. (Project Participant)
01/05/2003 → 31/12/2009
Project: Research
Byøkologisk Velfærdsudvikling
Kiib, H. S. (Project Participant), Marling, G. (Project Participant), Knudstrup, M.-A. (Project Participant), Ærø, T. (Project Participant), Bech-Danielsen, C. (Project Participant), Jensen, J. O. (Project Participant) & Jensen, O. M. (Project Participant)
31/12/1998 → 31/12/2004
Project: Research