Projects per year
Search results
Indicators in the strategic collaboration between Brazil and Denmark
Nøhr, C. G. (PI), Ahrensberg, K. B. (Project Coordinator), Gottleib, T. (PI) & Mikkelsen, E. H. (Project Manager)
01/09/2023 → 30/06/2024
Project: Research
PreCare - et teknoantropologisk perspektiv
Eriksen, J. (PI), Nøhr, C. G. (PI), Weber, D. (PI), Ebbesen, M. (PI) & Tornbjerg Eriksen, K. (PI)
01/06/2023 → 31/10/2023
Project: Research
A Nordic survey to monitor citizens use and experience with eHealth
Eriksen, J. (PI), Nøhr, C. G. (CoI) & Hjermitslev, C. B. (CoI)
01/02/2023 → 31/07/2023
Project: Research
NeRN: Nordic eHealth Research Network
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Coordinator), Schmidt, T. (Project Participant), Bertelsen, P. (Project Participant) & Eriksen, J. (PI)
01/06/2019 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
Bæredygtig og levedygtig indførelse af teknologi i sundhedsvæsenet
Botin, L. (Project Manager), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant) & Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant)
01/03/2015 → 31/08/2015
Project: Research
e-health: E-health Observation
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Manager), Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant), Andersen, S. K. (Project Participant), Vingtoft, S. (Project Participant) & Sørensen, M. (Project Coordinator)
01/01/2014 → 31/12/2014
Project: Research
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Clinical Handover: Clinical Handover
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Turner, P. (Project Participant) & Wong, M. C. (Project Participant)
01/10/2012 → 01/10/2015
Project: Research
Video observation: Use of Video observations to study work practice in health informatics
Botin, L. (Project Participant), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant) & Kushniruk, A. (Project Participant)
01/10/2012 → 01/10/2015
Project: Research
usabilitytest: Usabilitytest of five medication management systems
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Christiansen, M. B. (Project Participant), Kanstrup, A. M. (Project Participant), Madsen, I. (Project Participant) & Kushniruk, A. (Project Participant)
01/10/2012 → 01/10/2015
Project: Research
Consensus on eHealth Definitions: Consensus on eHealth Definitions
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant) & Showell, C. (Project Participant)
01/10/2012 → 01/10/2015
Project: Research
Patient Safety: Patient Safety
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Magrabi, F. (Project Participant), Borycki, E. (Project Participant) & Kushniruk, A. (Project Participant)
01/10/2012 → 01/10/2015
Project: Research
Utilsigtede hændelser og MedOnk
Bjørnes, C. D. (Project Participant) & Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant)
01/03/2012 → 01/09/2012
Project: Research
Evaluation of the Video-ambulance project
Høstgaard, A. M. B. (Project Participant), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant) & Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant)
30/09/2011 → 31/08/2014
Project: Research
e-health: National monitoring of development and use of e-health in Denmark
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Manager), Vingtoft, S. (Project Participant) & Christiansen, M. B. (Project Participant)
03/01/2011 → 03/11/2014
Project: Research
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Home hospitalization of heart patients
Dinesen, B. (Project Participant), Toft, E. (Project Participant), Andersen, S. K. (Project Participant), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Gustafsson, J. (Project Participant) & Hansen, J. (Project Participant)
19/05/2010 → 19/05/2013
Project: Research
ICT for Health: ICT for Health (Baltic Region)
Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant) & Bygholm, A. (Project Participant)
04/02/2010 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
Evaluation of the ‘Clinical Process' Electronic Health Record (EHR) in Region North Jutland in Denmark
Høstgaard, A. M. B. (Project Participant), Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant) & Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant)
01/12/2009 → 01/12/2010
Project: Research
Evaluation of GAPS (Recycling of Administrative Patient Data to measure Health Professional Quality)
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Høstgaard, A. M. B. (Project Participant) & Ejsing-Duun, E. (Project Participant)
01/01/2009 → 01/05/2011
Project: Research
Patient Safety through Intelligent Procedures in Medication (PSIP)
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant), Sørensen, M. (Project Participant), Kanstrup, A. M. (Project Participant) & Brender, J. (Project Participant)
01/01/2008 → 30/06/2011
Project: Research
maXi-projektet: nedbrydning af grænser for mestring af kroniske helbredstrusler med IT
Kanstrup, A. M. (Project Manager), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant), Andersen, S. K. (Project Participant), Glasemann, M. (Project Participant) & Vuust, J. (Contact)
Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen, Program for Brugerdreven Innovation
01/08/2007 → 31/07/2011
Project: Research
PDA på danske sygehusafdelinger
Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant) & Jensen, P.-L. (Project Participant)
01/12/2006 → 31/05/2007
Project: Research
The MINI-project
Kanstrup, A. M. (Project Participant), Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant), Harder, H. (Project Participant), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Boye, N. (Project Participant), Lund, M. (Project Participant), Thøgersen, M. (Project Participant), Tørring, J. (Project Participant), Hansen, O. (Project Participant) & Christiansen, E. T. (Project Participant)
01/05/2006 → 01/03/2007
Project: Research
SITOR, Sundhedssektorens IT- og organisationsudvikling / Development of information technology and organization in the health care sector
Høstgaard, A. M. B. (Project Participant), Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant) & Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant)
31/12/2005 → 31/12/2005
Project: Research
MTV som interaktiv proces - et metodeudviklingsprojekt inden for klinisk anvendelse af informationsteknologi (MUP-IT)
Brender, J. (Project Participant) & Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant)
31/10/2004 → 31/10/2004
Project: Research
Organisatoriske forhold ved implementering af EPJ systemer (ORIES)
Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Busck, O. G. (Project Participant) & Bertelsen, P. S. (Project Participant)
01/01/2003 → 30/06/2003
Project: Research
SIOL - Sundhedspersonale, Informatik og Organisatorisk Læring / Health care professionals, information technology and organizational learning
Andersen, S. K. (Project Participant), Hultengren, E. (Project Participant), Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant), Bygholm, A. (Project Participant), Wentzer, H. S. (Project Participant), Nikula, R. E. (Project Participant) & Kristensen, M. (Project Participant)
01/01/1999 → 31/03/2002
Project: Research
Elektronisk patientjournal, EPJ-Observatoriet / Electronic Health Record, EHR Observatory
Andersen, S. K. (Project Participant) & Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant)
01/01/1998 → 31/12/2008
Project: Research
Elektronisk patientjournal / Electronic patient record
Elberg, P. B. (Project Participant), Andersen, S. K. (Project Participant) & Nøhr, C. G. (Project Participant)
01/01/1998 → 31/12/2006
Project: Research