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Personal profile

Research profile

I am a researcher focused on interactive theorem-proving and formal verification. Currently, I am a Marie Curie (MSCA) fellow at the Czech Technical University in Prague on a research leave from an assistant professorship at Aalborg University. I obtained my BSc in Mathematics at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in Puebla, México (Thesis: Studying the Foundations of Mathematics comparing some of its Axiomatizations). I later did my PhD with an integrated MSc at the University of Sheffield in Computer Science. My research interests lie around proof assistants: their foundations, automation, and practical applications. I developed a framework for verifying cyber-physical systems in the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant and contributed to the verification of generic, runtime monitoring tools. You can see my publications here. I have also worked as a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen, as a Data Scientist at Twinkl Educational Publishing, and have taught logic and Isabelle/HOL in México, England, Norway, and Denmark.

Education/Academic qualification

Computer Science, PhD, Algebraic verification of hybrid systems in Isabelle/HOL, University of Sheffield

26 Sept 201628 May 2021


  • Computer Science
  • deductive verification
  • interactive theorem proving
  • automated reasoning
  • Logic in Computer Science


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