Department of Politics and Society
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Institute
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Faculty
FREIA - Centre for Gender Research
Department of Politics and Society
Organisational unit: Research group
EDGE - Equality, Diversity, GEnder
Department of Politics and Society
Organisational unit: Research Centre
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Faculty
Department of Sustainability and Planning
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Communication and Psychology
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Institute
Aalborg University Business School
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Institute
Humanomics Research Group
Department of Communication and Psychology
Organisational unit: Research group
Department of Sociology and Social Work
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Chemistry and Bioscience
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Institute
The Faculty of Medicine
Organisational unit: Faculty
Purposeful Technology Lab
Department of Communication and Psychology
Organisational unit: Research group
Department of Culture and Learning
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Institute
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Faculty
Department of the Built Environment
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Electronic Systems
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Materials and Production
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Institute
Danish Centre for Health Informatics
Department of Sustainability and Planning
Organisational unit: Research Centre
Section for Architecture and Urban Design
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
Organisational unit: Research Department/section
Center for Developmental & Applied Psychological Science
Department of Communication and Psychology
Organisational unit: Research group
Human Centered Science and Digital Technology
Department of Communication and Psychology
Organisational unit: Research Department/section
MIX - Center for Displacement, Migration and Integration
Department of Politics and Society
Organisational unit: Research Centre
Automation & Control
Department of Electronic Systems
Organisational unit: Research Department/section
Techno-Anthropology and Participation
Department of Sustainability and Planning
Organisational unit: Research group
Nordic Council of Ministers
External organisation: Government
Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU)
External organisation: Academic
Aalborg Universitetsforlag
External organisation: Other external organisation
Yellow Window Management
External organisation: Other external organisation
Redaktionen af Kvinder, Køn og Forskning (tidsskrift)
External organisation: Other external organisation
External organisation: Government
Aarhus University
External organisation: Academic
University of Copenhagen
External organisation: Academic