Personal profile

Research profile

I study culture and cultural processes, and I am interested in how cultures emerge and evolve in light of changes in society affecting relations between people. I focus on cultural and social change, often with a focus on factors relating to consumption and/or tourism as factors of change. This often involves identity-related perspectives and includes discursive and visual representations, narratives and framing. Due to years of working with administrative and strategic aspects of study programmes that I have been involved with, I have also taken an interests in educational practices of PBL and interdisciplinarity, which also relates to cultural practices.

Teaching profile

I mainly teach in the two master’s programmes Culture, Communication & Globalisation (CCG), and Tourism – both international programmes in English.

The main themes within my teaching are: Culture & communication; Consumption & Tourism; PBL, project-writing and methodology

Examples of courses are:

  • Cultural worlds/worlds of culture
  • Communication in global contexts
  • Global consumer culture
  • Tourism encounters

Teaching also involves project supervision at all levels. Please see my teaching portfolio for more details.

Administrative profile

I am currently chairing the Study Board for Cross-Cultural Studies. I have previously been involved with coordination at 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th sem. of both the CCG and Tourism programmes.



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