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PBL og entreprenørskab - sammenkobling og udvikling af begreber og praksis, der fremmer entreprenante kompetencer på tværs af AAU
Lund, B. (PI), Vestergaard, J. (Project Manager), Christensen, J. L. (PI), Aaen, I. (PI), Bak-Jensen, B. (PI), Gertsen, F. (PI), Vistisen, P. (PI), Krogh, L. (PI), Strand, A. M. C. (PI), Østergaard, A. (PI), Andreasen, M. B. (Project Coordinator) & Thorsted, A. C. (PI)
01/04/2018 → 30/10/2019
Project: Research
Studieliv og psykosociale problemer.Unges identitetsprocesser og fællesskaber i videregående uddannelser
Wulf-Andersen, T. Ø. (Project Manager), Larsen, L. (PI), Krogh, L. (PI), Jensen, A. A. (PI), Hulgård Kristiansen, M. (PI), Christensen, A. T. B. (PI) & Salling Weber, S. (Project Participant)
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research
Intensive PBL-forløb som platform for employability
Jensen, A. A. (PI), Krogh, L. (PI), Svidt, K. (PI) & Wyke, S. (CoI)
01/01/2018 → 28/02/2019
Project: Other
Modeller for gruppedannelse i PBL? (Strategic Council for Education at AAU)
Søndergaard, B. D. (PI), Ravn, O. (PI), Krogh, L. (Project Participant), Bundgaard, S. B. (Project Participant) & Jørgensen, L. K. (Project Participant)
01/01/2017 → 01/06/2018
Project: Other
PBL and Multicultural teamwork
Tange, H. (PI), Jæger, K. (PI), Krogh, L. (PI) & Jensen, A. A. (PI)
01/01/2017 → 30/06/2018
Project: Other
CompAssess: Competence Assessment
Jørgensen, K. M. (Project Manager), Valero, P. (Project Participant), Krogh, L. (Project Participant) & Jensen, A. A. (Project Participant)
01/01/2015 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research
Emotions in Innovative Learning
Chemi, T. (Project Participant), Jensen, J. B. (Project Participant), Lund, B. (Project Participant), Zhou, C. (Project Participant), Grams Davy, S. (Project Participant), Jensen, A. A. (Project Participant) & Krogh, L. (Project Participant)
01/06/2013 → 20/12/2015
Project: Research
Quality of school education in the perspective of gross national happiness and assessment practices in Bhutan.
Willert, S. (Project Participant), Keller, K. D. (Project Manager), Krogh, L. (Project Participant) & Keller, H. D. (Project Participant)
01/01/2012 → 01/03/2015
Project: Research
Kompetenceudvikling, læring og professionalitet i samspillet mellem uddannelsesinstitutioner og arbejdsliv
Krogh, L. (Project Participant)
19/05/2010 → 19/05/2012
Project: PhD Project