Department of Communication and Psychology
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Institute
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Faculty
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Institute
Section for Architecture and Urban Design
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
Organisational unit: Research Department/section
Department of Sustainability and Planning
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Institute
Danish Centre for Spatial Planning
Department of Sustainability and Planning
Organisational unit: Research Centre
Exploring Methods for Participation and Dialogue in Communication Research
Department of Communication and Psychology
Organisational unit: Research group
Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of the Built Environment
Organisational unit: Research Department/section
Digital Media in Everyday Life
Department of Communication and Psychology
Organisational unit: Research group
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Faculty
Department of the Built Environment
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Institute
Mediated Communication
Department of Communication and Psychology
Organisational unit: Research Department/section
Data Engineering, Science and Systems
Department of Computer Science
Organisational unit: Research group
Centre for Mobility and Urban Studies
Organisational unit: Research Centre
Daisy - Center for Data-intensive Systems
Data Engineering, Science and Systems
Organisational unit: Research Centre
Aarhus University
External organisation: Academic