Projects per year
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GRØN: Grønne Ressource - Økosystemer Nordjylland
Lyhne, I. (Project Participant), Kerndrup, S. (Project Participant), Schlüter, L. (Project Participant), Kørnøv, L. (Project Participant) & Løkke, S. (Project Participant)
01/11/2020 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
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DREAMS: Digitally supported Environmental Assessment for Sustainable Development Goals
Kørnøv, L. (Project Manager), Lyhne, I. (CoPI), Nielsen, P. A. (PI), Hose, K. (PI), Zada, A. M. (Project Participant), Bjerva, J. (Project Participant), Garigliotti, D. (Project Participant) & Jensen, C. (Other)
01/10/2020 → 30/09/2023
Project: Research
Havforvaltning-DK: Institutionel analyse af det marine forvaltningssystem i Danmark - med henblik på udredning af status, begrænsninger og muligheder for en fremtidig, bæredygtig, integreret og demokratisk havforvaltning og -planlægning.
Hegland, T. J. (PI), Jacobsen, R. B. (Project Participant), Kirkfeldt, T. S. (Project Participant), Lyhne, I. (Project Participant), Nielsen, H. (Project Participant) & Sattari, S. (Project Participant)
01/05/2019 → 30/06/2020
Project: Research
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Development of a Guidance note for European Investment Bank on Transboundary Impacts and Stakeholders Engagement
Kørnøv, L. (Project Participant) & Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
01/05/2018 → 31/12/2018
Project: Consultancy
Sustainable synergies. Facilitated industriel symbiosis for energy- and ressource efficiency
Kørnøv, L. (Project Manager), Lyhne, I. (Project Participant), Schmidt, J. (Project Participant), Løkke, S. (Project Participant), Vester, J. (Project Participant), Søndergaard, U. H. (Project Participant), Schlüter, L. (Project Participant), Revsbeck, R. (Project Participant), Nors, B. (Project Participant), Mortensen, L. (Project Participant) & Davila, J. G. (Project Participant)
01/01/2018 → 30/06/2020
Project: Research
Environment++ - Strategic environmental and business development
Kørnøv, L. (Project Manager), Lyhne, I. (Project Participant), Mortensen, L. (Project Participant), Vester, J. (Project Participant) & Løkke, S. (Project Participant)
Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research
Mapping of One Stop Shop in Danish EIA practice
Lyhne, I. (PI) & Kørnøv, L. (PI)
01/11/2016 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research
VVMplus - Forbedrede metoder til håndtering af og dialog om lokale sociale konsekvenser i VVM
Larsen, S. V. (Project Manager), Nielsen, H. (Project Coordinator), Lyhne, I. (Project Participant), Merrild, A. (Project Participant) & Cashmore, M. A. (Project Participant)
01/04/2016 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
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From threat to opportunity
Kørnøv, L. (Project Manager), Lyhne, I. (Project Participant) & Vester, J. (Project Participant)
01/03/2016 → 30/06/2016
Project: Research
CORAL: Radar Controlled Obstruction Lights at the National Test Center in Østerild
Lyhne, I. (Project Manager), Kørnøv, L. (Project Participant), Nielsen, H. (Project Coordinator) & Aaen, S. B. (Project Participant)
01/04/2015 → 31/03/2017
Project: Research
Miljøvurdering og sociale konsekvenser: Casestudier af konfliktfyldte energiprojekter
Merrild, A. (Project Participant), Larsen, S. V. (Project Participant), Aaen, S. B. (Project Participant), Nielsen, H. (Project Participant), Ritter, E. (Project Participant) & Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
01/08/2014 → 01/06/2015
Project: Research
Potentielt depot for radioaktivt affald - Undersøgelse blandt borgere i de berørte områder
Kørnøv, L. (Project Participant), Larsen, S. V. (Project Participant), Lyhne, I. (Project Participant), Aaen, S. B. (Project Participant) & Nielsen, H. (Project Participant)
01/07/2014 → 01/07/2015
Project: Research
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A process-oriented environmental assessment of R&D programmes
Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
01/05/2014 → 30/04/2016
Project: Research
Constructive Public Participation: The scientific basis for a better interaction
Lyhne, I. (Project Participant), Nielsen, H. (Project Participant) & Aaen, S. B. (Project Participant)
01/05/2013 → 01/09/2016
Project: Research
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Governing the environment: Guidance documents and the ‘making up’ of environmental practitioners
Cashmore, M. A. (Project Participant), Richardson, T. (Project Participant), Rozema, J. (Project Participant) & Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
03/05/2012 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
EA in Denmark: Experiences and outlook
Cashmore, M. A. (Project Participant) & Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
01/05/2012 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
Environmental integration in ForskEL
Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
01/03/2012 → 01/03/2013
Project: Research
Combining the advantages of EIA and LCA
Christensen, P. (Project Participant), Zhao, G. (Project Participant), Løkke, S. (Project Participant) & Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
01/01/2012 → 01/01/2014
Project: Research
Environmental assessment of ForskEL
Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
03/11/2011 → 31/12/2011
Project: Research
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Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Danish Energy Sector
Lyhne, I. (Project Participant)
01/08/2008 → 06/11/2011
Project: Research