Personal profile

Research profile

Marie Jull Sørensen primarily researches topics related to consumer law. Special focus areas are the implementation of EU consumer regulation in national law (please see list of publications), where she has problematised the implementation of a number of EU directives. She has also analysed the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the ex officio duty of national courts to apply consumer protection rules. Marie has worked in an international research group under the auspices of the European Law Institute (ELI) on a regulatory tool for regulating digital intermediary platforms and is currently working on an ELI project on Algorithmic Contracts. Marie is chair of the ELI Nordic Hub, which organises events related to the Nordic region in a European light and vice versa. Under the auspices of ELI, Marie has submitted consultation responses to the European Commission and prepared a report on digital fairness. She has written several articles and book contributions in Danish and English on consumer law - especially in relation to the challenges posed by 'new' business models (e.g. digital marketplaces). She is currently working on a book on the consumer concept and a legal commentary on the Danish Legal Advice Act.


Teaching profile

Marie Jull Sørensen teaches Consumer Law, EU-consumerlaw (eng.) and tort law. She also counsils several studet projects primarily within these areas. She has been teacher of the year several times (latest in 2022).

PhD Supervision

Marie Jull Sørensen has supervised Marianne Hundahl on her project on airpassengers' rights. She is head of the PhD programme at the Department of Law, AAU.

Administrative profile

Chairman of the European Law Institute Nordic Hub

Member of AAU's Board of Directors 2016 -2019

Member of Folkeuniversitets Programme Council, Aalborg

Guest editor of the special edition of the Nordic Journal of Commercial Law 2018

Course responsible for EU-Consumer Law (Eng.), Consumer Law, Personal Injury Compensation, Market Law, Sports Law, Business Legal Advice, Marketing Law and Intellectual Property Law (DK and Eng).

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.d., God skik for juridisk rådgivning

Award Date: 10 Jun 2011

Forskningslederkursus, Copenhagen Business School


  • Law


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