Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Organisational unit: Hospital Specialty/Department
Pain and Motor System Plasticity
Department of Health Science and Technology
Organisational unit: Research group
Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction
Department of Health Science and Technology
Organisational unit: Research Department/section
Research Data and Biostatistics
Organisational unit: Administrative Department
Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain
Department of Health Science and Technology
Organisational unit: Research Centre
Department of Radiology
Organisational unit: Hospital Specialty/Department
Musculoskeletal Health and Implementation
Department of Health Science and Technology
Organisational unit: Research group
Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Organisational unit: Hospital Specialty/Department
Center for General Practice at Aalborg University
Department of Clinical Medicine
Organisational unit: Research Centre
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Faculty
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Organisational unit: Hospital Specialty/Department
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Faculty
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Faculty
Department of Communication and Psychology
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Electronic Systems
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Materials and Production
The Faculty of Engineering and Science
Organisational unit: Institute
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
The Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Organisational unit: Institute
Aarhus University Hospital
External organisation: Medical
University College of Northern Denmark
External organisation: Academic
Regional Hospital Central and West Jutland
External organisation: Medical
University of Southern Denmark
External organisation: Academic
Regional Hospital Southern Denmark
External organisation: Medical
Aarhus University
External organisation: Academic
Region Midtjylland
External organisation: Region
Independent Research Fund Denmark
External organisation: Funding provider
Copenhagen University Hospital
External organisation: Medical
Karolinska Institutet
External organisation: Academic
Independent Research Foundation of Denmark
External organisation: Unknown
Uppsala University Hospital
External organisation: Medical
Physiotherapy Department, University College North Denmark
External organisation: Other external organisation
Sofiendal Aalborg Sundhedsteam
External organisation: Corporate
Novo Nordisk Foundation
External organisation: Corporate