Projects per year
Personal profile
Research profile
I have so many ideas that may perhaps be of some use in time if others more penetrating than I go deeply into them some day and join the beauty of their minds to the labor of mine. G. W. Leibniz (1646–1716)
Life is too short to tolerate indecisions ©2012 by Romeo V. Turcan
Romeo’s main research interests include emergence, legitimation and institutionalization of newness and theory building across diverse disciplines and contexts.
Romeo is the founder and coordinator of an inter-disciplinary, inter-sectoral, inter-technology and international collaborative research programme, Theory Building Research Programme (TBRP),
- 2025 Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge, UK
- 2024-... Advisor (Strategic Development), MultiBank UK
- 2023-... Visiting Professor, Cambridge University Sociology Department, UK
- 2022-... Adjunct Professor, Trinity Business School, Ireland
- 2019-... Visiting lecturer, KA1–Learning Mobility of individuals–Staff mobility, ERASMUS+
- 2009 Visiting lecturer, East China University of Science and Technology, China
Policy experience
- 2024-2026 DK National Expert to Horizon Europe, Ministry of Higher Education and Science, DK
- 2022-2023 EU Key Expert, Ministry of Education and Research, Republic of Moldova
- 2014 Advisor, Yukon Government, Yukon, Canada
- 1993-2010 Prior to commencing his academic career Romeo worked in a range of posts involving public policy intervention in restructuring, rationalizing and modernizing business and public sectors such as power, oil, military high-tech, management consulting, ICT and higher education.
Business experience
Romeo founded, started and as CEO led a branch of an international NGO. He has been a member of various boards, including the board of Enterprise and Parliamentary Dialogue International, London, UK (2013-2019) and the board of the International Society of Markets and Development (2019-present). He is the Chairman of the Organization of Moldovans in Denmark. Romeo is an Advisor to MultiBank UK providing strategic development advice to the management of this initiative.
Partnerhsips for the goals
Romeo launched TBRP Perspectives (TBRPP), a global forum to motivate and facilitate a dialogue with High Impact Entrepreneurs whose ventures pursue innovative, disruptive breakthroughs, and/or operate in uncertain national/international/global environments, and which produce superior net utility at society, industry, firm and individual levels.
Funding portfolio
Since the foundation of TBRP in 2012, Romeo has attracted, as main applicant, EU funding of over 8.5 million EUR, and acted as coordinator of 5 EU funded projects and PI of 2 DK funded projects:
- "Getting Out of Comfort Zone", ERASMUS+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education (2025-2027)
- "Reserach on Sociology of Knowledge", Independent Research Fund International Research Stays at Univesity of Cambridge (2024)
- “Legitimation of Newness and Its Impact on EU Agenda for Change”, Marie S. Curie project (2020-2023,
- “International Entrepreneurship Network for PhD and PhD Supervisor Training”, Strategic Partnership (Erasmus+) project (2019-2022,
- "Extra staff mobility to contribute to the implementation and sustainability of PBLMD project", Learning Mobility of Individuals (Erasmus+) project (2017-2018,
- "Introducing Problem Based Learning in Moldova: Toward Enhancing Students’ Competitiveness and Employability", ERASMUS+ Capacity Building national project (2015-2019,
- “Enhancing University Autonomy in Moldova”, ERASMUS+ Capacity Building structural project (2012-2015,
2023: IETN project I coordinated received 'Good Practice' ERASMUS+ Award
2022: The Legislative Proposals developed by the EUniAM project I coordinated were the foundation of a major reform approved by the Cabinet of Ministers to reorganize through merger (absorption) of most of institutions in the fields of higher education, research and innovation.
2022: PBLMD project I coordinated supports Moldova's efforts toward EU membership by being acknowledged in the Questionnaire of the European Commission as a benchmark for introducing innovative teaching methods in the Higher Education of Moldova.
2021: PBLMD project I coordinated was selected by EACEA among CBHE projects that were implemented during 2015-2020 to offer a training based on the achieved project results during the CBHE Virtual Fair to a worldwide audience
2017: 1st Degree Diploma – from the Government of the Republic of Moldova for “remarkable success achieved in professional area and active promotion of the image of the Republic of Moldova in the Kingdom of Denmark”
2017: Emerald Award for Excellence for Highly Commended paper with Norman M. Fraser “An Ethnographic Study of New Venture and New Sector Legitimation”
2014: Emerald Awards for Excellence for Highly Commended paper with Nikhilesh Dholakia “Bubbles: Towards a Typology”
2001: Scholarships from Department of Marketing (University of Strathclyde) and University of Strathclyde to pursue my PhD study
1999: Scholarship from Scottish Development International (Scotland) and travel grant from Soros Foundation (Moldova) to pursue my MSc study
Recent publications
Since Romeo joined AAU, he has developed, singly and jointly, series of substantive and general theories.
Substantive theories:
- Theory of goal alignment (Turcan, 2008)
- Theory of legitimation (Turcan, 2011)
- Theory of captivity (Turcan, 2012)
- Theory of bubbles (Dholakia and Turcan, 2013)
- Process theory of legitimation (Turcan and Fraser, 2016)
- Theory of scoping (Zach and Turcan, 2018)
- Theory of comfort zoning (Deak and Turcan, 2022)
- Theory of newness co-emergence (Wanjiku, Turcan, Andersson, 2022)
- Theory of insider-outsider perceptions of leadership authenticity (Lines and Turcan, 2023).
General theories:
- Theory of hype (Turcan, 2011)
- Metatheory of bubbles (Dholakia and Turcan, 2014)
- Theory of knowledge and structure (Turcan, 2018)
- Theory of search for meaning (Turcan, 2023)
- Theory of intellectual agency (Turcan in Turcan, Fast, Lowe, and Dholakia, 2025)
PhD in International Entrepreneurship (2006), Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
MSc in International Marketing (2000), Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Diploma in Philology (1995), Department of Post-University Studies, Moldova State University, Chisinau, Moldova
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (1992), Air Force Engineering Military Academy, Riga, Latvia
PhD Supervision
Carsten Wehrmann (General Manger International, Tchibo GmbH) "Exploring Internationalisation Effects on Firm Performance: Quantitative Empirical Study among German, Swiss and Austrian Listed Companies" (2019)
Matthias Zach (Head of NPD, Roche Diagnostics) "Exploring the Emergence of New Product Concepts under Uncertainty: A Case of Cross-Functional Teams in the In-Vitor Diagnostics Industry" (2020)
Demet Schaefler (CEO, Spital Heiden, Switzerland) "A study of Authentic Leadership in Organizations: A Case of Public Hospitals in Switzerland” (2022).
Jackson Kinyanjui (Halmstad University, Sweden) “Competing for Legitimation” (2024)
Olga Pojiltov (Aalborg University, Denmark) “Fluid Ethics and Legitimation of Newness” (2024)
Cristian Ziliberberg (Aalborg University, Denmark) “Analysis of Change Narratives and Diffusion” (2024)
Louis Lines (Aalborg University, Denmark) “Brexit, New Europe and Newness Chasm: Cross-Channel Conceptualization of Newness and Tradition” (2024)
Teaching profile
Teaching and supervision tasks
- 2022 Adjunct Professor, Trinity Business School, Ireland, teaching 'Theory Building' to PhD students
- 2021 Visiting lecturer, as part of KA1 – Learning Mobility of individuals – Staff mobility for teaching and training activities to various universities in the EU
- 2021 Lecturer, International Entrepreneurship module and Internationalization of Diverse Formsof Organizing elective
- 2018-2021 Guest lecturer, to NGO leaders and project managers from around the world as part of the EU funded workshops organized by InterCollege
- 2017-2020 Guest lecturer, workshop on PBL organized by AAU PBL in Engineering, Science and Sustainability under auspices of UNESCO
- 2016-2020 Guest lecturer, The Danish ScienceFestival
- Jan 2015 Guest lecturer, DRUID Academy
- May 2013 Lecturer, TBRP PhD course in 'Theory Building' at various EU universities
- 2010-2014 Lecturer, Business Policy and Firm Analysis module (Top-up BSc Bus Econ)
- Sep 2010 Lecturer, IB Theories/ IE modules (MScIB)
- Sep 2010 Lecturer, Entrepreneurship (BSc/MSc, IBC,MIKE, NVC, CIP)
- 2010-2013 Lecturer, Research methods (MSc IB)
- 2010-2011 Lecturer, Theory building, DOME PhD course: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory, Denmark
- Feb 2010 Supervisor, semester project, internship, and thesis supervision (BSc/MSc)
- 2009-2010 Visiting lecturer, East China University of Science and Technology; teaching entrepreneurship to MBA students
- 2007-2009 Visiting lecturer, Aalborg University; teaching International Business, International Market Research, Business Policy and Firm Analysis to BSc and MSc students
- 2004-2005 Tutor, Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strathclyde University; tutoring Internet Based Business Start-up, Introduction to Business Start-up, Starting High-RiskBusinesses to BSc and MBA students
- 2001-2003 Tutor, Marketing Department, Strathclyde University; tutoring International Marketing, International Marketing Management, Marketing in Small Businesses, Marketing Research, Principles of Marketing, Retail Marketing, and Sales Marketing to BSc students
Study/programme administration and management
- 2019 Coordinator, initiated, co-designed: International Entrepreneurship module and Internationalization of Diverse Forms of Organizing elective (MSc IB)
- 2018-2019 Semester coordinator (5th semester)
- 2015-2019 Semester coordinator (6th semester)
- 2015 Expert assessment committee chairman
- 2014-2019 Coordinator of PhD program at International Business Group
- 2012-2019 Coordinator of International Business Module (MSc in IBE)
- 2012-2013 Co-created, co-founded, and co-launched Journal of Business Models
- 2012-2013 Initiated, co-designed and co-founded New Venture Creation semester
- 2012 Initiated, designed, founded and coordinate Theory Building Research Programme
- 2012 Initiated, co-designed and coordinate TBRP PhD course in 'Theory Building'
- 2011-2017 Designed, implemented and coordinated Student-Company Fair, jointly implemented with Supporting Entrepreneurship at Aalborg
- 2010-2014 Designed, implemented and coordinated Business Policy and Firm Analysis module (Top-up BSc)
Formal pedagogical training
- PBL training: "Introducing Problem Based Learning in Moldova: Toward Enhancing Students’ Competitiveness and Employability", ERASMUS+ Capacity Building national project (2015-2019, main applicant and coordinator.
- Learning and training mobiliy: "Extra staff mobility to contribute to the implementation and sustainability of PBLMD project", Learning Mobility of Individuals (Erasmsus+) project (2017-2018, main applicant and coordinator.
Other qualifications
- Testimonials from doctoral reserachers who took part in the TBRP PhD course in 'Theory Building'
- Testimonials from BSc students and entrepreneurs who took part in the Student-Company Fair as part of BSc study programme
- Introducing and implementing entrepreneurship education in the Skipper School in Aalborg
Administrative profile
Department Council, AAU Business School
Professor Council, AAU Business School
EU Funding Task Force, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
External positions
Visiting Professor, University of Cambridge
1 Mar 2023 → …
Adjunct Professor, Trinity Business School
1 Nov 2022 → …
- Management and Organization
- Creation and legitimation of new sectors and new organizations
- Late globalization, de-globalization, de-internationalization
- Bubbles, collective behaviour
- High impact international entrepreneurship
- Cross-disciplinary theory building
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations from the last five years
TBRP PhD: PhD course: The process of theory building and theorizing in management research
Turcan, R. V. (Project Coordinator), Ahokangas, P. (Project Manager), Andersson, S. (Project Manager) & Simonsen, M. K. (Project Manager)
15/10/2012 → …
Project: Research
NVC: New Venture Creation Semester
Nielsen, C. (Project Coordinator) & Turcan, R. V. (CoPI)
01/10/2012 → …
Project: Other
TBRP: Theory Building Research Programme
Turcan, R. V. (Project Coordinator), Fraser, N. (CoI), Fast, M. (CoI) & Simonsen, M. K. (Contact)
14/09/2012 → …
Project: Research
Region as incubator (© 2011 Romeo V. Turcan)
Turcan, R. V. (Project Coordinator), Dahlgaard, M. (Project Manager) & Lundholm-Stenkjær, K. (Project Manager)
15/03/2011 → …
Project: Other
Research output
De-internationalization and Re-internationalization of the Firm: Business Model Innovation for Growth and Survival
Sort, J. C., Taran, Y. & Turcan, R. V., Mar 2025, (Accepted/In press) Palgrave Macmillan.Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review
Open Access -
Reconstructing the Social Construction of Reality
Fraser, N. & Turcan, R. V., Jan 2025, In: British Journal of Sociology.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Open Access -
The Art of Theory Building: Knowledge Creation in Management Research
Turcan, R., Fast, M., Lowe, A. & Dholakia, N., Jun 2025, (In preparation) Palgrave Macmillan.Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review
How We Can Further Enhance and Advance International Entrepreneurship Scholarship
Turcan, R. V., Aug 2024.Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journal › Paper without publisher/journal › Research › peer-review
Open AccessFile26 Downloads (Pure) -
Legitimating change and changing legitimacy: An analysis of the intersection
Ziliberberg, C., Dholakia, N. & Turcan, R. V., Aug 2024, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024. Academy of ManagementResearch output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceeding › Conference abstract in proceeding › Research › peer-review
Bubbles & Runaway Sentiments: Links
Dholakia, N. (Creator) & Turcan, R. V. (Creator), TBRP Perspectives, Mar 2016
Asset Bubbles: Additional Links
Dholakia, N. (Creator) & Turcan, R. V. (Creator), TBRP Perspectives, Mar 2016
Research on Sociology of Knowledge
Turcan, R. V. (Recipient), 11 Dec 2023
Prize: Research, education and innovation prizes
EUopSTART: Regions As Incubators Doctoral European Network
Turcan, R. V. (Recipient), May 2023
Prize: Other prizes
KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals – Staff mobility for teaching and training activities to UNIVERSITY OF OULU
Turcan, R. V. (Recipient), Feb 2022
Prize: Scholarships
KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals – Staff mobility for teaching and training activities to TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN
Turcan, R. (Recipient), 4 Dec 2021
Prize: Scholarships
KA1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals – Staff mobility for teaching and training activities to HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY
Turcan, R. (Recipient), 18 Nov 2021
Prize: Scholarships
McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference
Turcan, R. V. (Organizer), Torkkeli, L. (Participant) & Servais, P. (Participant)
Aug 2024Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar
National Expert to Horizon Europe, Ministry of Higher Education and Science, DK
Turcan, R. V. (Other)
Jan 2024 → Dec 2026Activity: Other
Developing and coordinating a research programme: The case of TBRP
Turcan, R. V. (Participant)
9 Jun 2023Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar
Building capacity is never a one-way street
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
European funded project brings modern teaching and learning methods to Moldova
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
A higher education restructuring project bewildered the academic environment in the Republic of Moldova
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
2013-06. Policy recommendations: Corroborating 'Legitimation typology'
Turcan, R. V. (Participant) & Fraser, N. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy impact, Economic impact, Social impact
2014:06. Creation, legitimation and institutionalization of ICT sector in Yukon, its spill-over effects on other sectors and effect on knowledge economy in Yukon
Turcan, R. V. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy impact, Cultural impact, Economic impact, Quality of life impact
2015-05. Legislative Proposals: Restructuring, Rationalizing, and Modernizing Higher Education Sector in the Republic of Moldova
Turcan, R. V. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy impact, Economic impact, Social impact
2019-10. Improving quality of Higher Education: Introducing new teaching and learning methods, Problem-Based Learning
Turcan, R. V. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy impact, Economic impact
2020-05. Policy brief: On issues and challenges of, and recommendations for the World Bank and Moldovan Government agreement
Turcan, R. V. (Participant), Lipcean, S. (Participant) & Reilly, J. (Participant)
Impact: Public policy impact, Economic impact, Social impact