Projects per year
Personal profile
Research profile
Research profile
Sandra is Associate Professor in International, Environmental and Energy Law. She is appointed Lead Author on Environmental Governance and Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctic) at the Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) United Nations. She is specialized in environmental damage and liability problems in a multilevel context. Her expertise is on environmental regime effectiveness in a multi-level governance perspective. Included in her areas of interests are human rights, law of the sea (UNCLOS), and environmental security (particularly that of the Arctic Ocean), Energy Security and Geopolitics. Though a legal scholar, her approach is interdisciplinary, combining law with international relations, economics, and elements of (climate) environmental science. Sandra is also Adjunt Professor of Law, School of Law, Western Sydney University (Sydney, Australia), Fellow at the Sustainability College Bruges – SCB (Belgium), Expert Research Fellow at the Institute for Security and Development Policy, ISDP working on the Sino-Arctic Research Programme (Stockholm, Sweden), Member of the Governamental Panel of Assessemnt for the Academy of Finland for Governamental Projects on Environmental Law and Economcis and Expert at the European Commission (DG Clima Adaptation) and the European Parliament.
Teaching profile
Teaching Profile
Currently, Sandra Cassotta is responsible for the Course on Climate Change and Energy Law and Energy Law. She has been teaching and course responsible for the course on Climate Change and Forced Migration, International Environmental Law, US Environmental Protection Law, Legal, Economic & Political Governance of the Resource Exploitation in the Arctic, Polar Law, Law of the Sea, Environmental Protection of Indigenous Rights (Protection of Minority Rights), Climate Change and Human Rights, Arctic Environmental Ocean Security, European Union Law, Law of the Single Market (free movement of goods, services, and capitals), EU Competition Law (Abuse of Dominant Position, and Anti-Trust), EU Consumer Law, Energy Security & Geopolitics, Global Law and Justice and cyber international law. In addition, in line with her interdisciplinary research profile, Sandra teaches in other departments and areas at Aalborg University (Climate Change and Ecology at the Department of Political Science and Climate Law and Ocean Environmental Governance at the Faculty of Engineering and Science Department of Chemistry and Bioscience – Section Biology and Environmental Science. She teaches also abroad in all the Institutes and Universities where she is currently affiliated.
External positions
Fellow at the Sustainable College Bruges (SCB)
Adjunt Professor of Law at Western Sydney Univesity, Centre of International Ocean Governance
Expert Reserach Fellow at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP)
Lead Author at the Intergovernamental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC)
- Law
- Climate Change and Energy Law
- Environment
- Climate change adaptation
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Collaborations from the last five years
A Just Sustainable Law in Deep Seabed Mining in the Anthropocene: The Case of Arctic and Greenland
Cassotta, S. (PI)
01/09/2024 → 01/09/2025
Project: Research
International Criminal Law and the Triple Planetary Crisis
Martinussen, C. H. (PI), Cassotta, S. (Supervisor) & Feldtmann, B. (Supervisor)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2025
Project: PhD Project
Justice, Equity and Fairness in Deep Seabed Mining in the North
Cassotta, S. (PI), Coelho, N. F. (Project Applicant), Andersen, A. O. (Project Applicant), Rathcke, K. (Project Participant), Galva, D. A. (Project Participant) & Thorsen, F. K. (Project Participant)
30/04/2024 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
Digitalization as a Tool for climate Change Adaptation in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in a Multi-regulatory Perspective”, Transdisciplinary Grant between the Department of Law, the Department of Political Science and the Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, (Denmark)
Cassotta, S. (PI), Raftopoulos, M. (PI) & Papachristos, L. (CoI)
05/10/2020 → 30/04/2022
Project: Research
JUSTNORTH: Arctic Environmental Justice EU Horizon 2020
Cassotta, S. (PI)
01/09/2020 → 30/09/2023
Project: Research
Conceptualizing the nexus between Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigationin Governance
Raftopoulos, M., Cassotta, S., Eleftherios, P. & Kjelmann, K. G., 2024, In: Journal of Academic Perspectives. 2024, 3, p. 172-202 31 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Open AccessFile77 Downloads (Pure) -
Conceptualizing the Nexus between Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation in Governance
Raftopoulos, M., Cassotta, S., Papachristos, E. & Kjelmann, K. G., 2024, In: Journal of Academic Perspectives. 2024, 3, p. 172-202 31 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Open AccessFile65 Downloads (Pure) -
Deep-seabed mining: an environmental concern and a holistic social environmental issue
Cassotta, S. & Goodsite, M. E., 2024, In: Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability. 2, 23 p., 1355965.Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Open AccessFile178 Downloads (Pure) -
Sustainable and Just Deep-Sea Mining for the Energy Green Transition: A conundrum without Legal, Governance or Technological Solutions. The Case of the EU
Cassotta, S. & Goodsite, M. E., 2023, In: European Energy and Environmental Law Review. 32, 6, p. 268-282Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
1 Citation (Scopus) -
Towards a more inclusive, systemic and multi-regulatory Blue Economy: the case of offshore wind energy
Cassotta, S., 17 Jan 2023, Research Handbook on Ocean Governance Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 267-282 16 p. (Research Handbooks in Environmental Law).Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
Seabed Mining Governance in the Green Energy Transition
Cassotta, S. (Organizer), Rathcke, K. (Organizer), Coelho, N. F. (Organizer), Thorsen, F. K. (Organizer), Andersen, A. O. (Organizer), Galva, D. A. (Organizer), Vidal, F. (Participant), Ivaldi, R. (Participant), Pecoraro, A. (Participant), Madelena, M. (Participant), Dordoni, M. (Participant), Singh, K. (Participant) & Kristoffersen, B. (Participant)
4 Dec 2024Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions or similar
EU (Publisher)
Cassotta, S. (Peer reviewer)
30 Nov 2022Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
File -
Centre Scientifique de Monaco (Publisher)
Cassotta, S. (Peer reviewer)
13 Jun 2022Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Peer review of manuscripts › Communication
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The Implications of Sea-Level Rise on International Security
Cassotta, S. (Participant)
9 May 2022Activity: Attending an event › Conference organisation or participation
Climate Talk Show on Climate Change in and from the Polar and Climatically Displaced People
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
New IPCC report: Climate Change is having negative impacts on our oceans and the frozen parts of our planet
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
AAU-forskere sætter aftryk på klimadebatten ved klimatopmøde i Bonn
Cassotta, S., Lindholm, J. & Lemberg-Pedersen, M.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Juraforsker får opgave for FN's klimapanel
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media