Personal profile

Research profile

Yariv Taran, is an Associate Professor of Innovation and Organization at Aalborg University Business School, Denmark. He received a BSc in management and sociology from the Open University of Israel, and an MSc in economics and business administration from Aalborg University, from where he also received his PhD in business model innovation. His research focuses on the management of risk and uncertainty in business model innovation processes. Other areas of research interest include decision-making, sustainability, and entrepreneurship. He has published his research in a number of books and international journals, including Decision SciencesInternational Journal of Operations & Production ManagementTechnology Analysis & Strategic Management, and European Journal of Innovation Management

Current employment is at the IKE (Innovation, Knowledge and Economic dynamics) research group, at Aalborg University Business School. Daily activities involve researching, teaching, supervising, and consulting companies and public institutions alike.

Serves as the head of the “Entrepreneurial Business Engineering” study programme, and a member of the “Green Societies” Steering Committee signature at the SSH Faculty.


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