OECD IPSDM “Big Data Analytics” Challenge

Prize: Other prizes


Selected among the winning data projects with the The web app which can be found here: http://gpxp.org/ The tool lets you map and visualize inventive and innovative activity around the globe. The explorer relies on a series of novel indicators that combine insights from large-scale natural language processing and established patent analysis techniques and provide insights about dimensions such as technological originality or future orientation. You can explore the dataset on country or city level, select time-ranges and technologies. The app features rich visualizations including a world map, network plots that show relations between countries and cities, and customizable statistical plots.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsOECD

Awarded at event

Event titleIP Statistics for Decision Makers
Location, Alicante, SpainShow on map
Period23 Oct 2018 → 24 Oct 2018
