Beyond Class Politics

  • Klitgaard, Michael Baggesen (PI)
  • Schumacher, Gijs (Project Participant)
  • Elmelund-Præstekær, Christian (Project Participant)
  • Gahner Larsen, Erik (PI)

Project Details


The Beyond Class Politics project was financed by a 3.35 million DKR grant from the Danish Council for Independent Social Science Research, 200.000 DKR in seed money from the research program “Reforming the Institutions of the Welfare State”, and an additional 1 million DKR grant for a PhD project. The Beyond Class Politics project integrated four sub-projects and researched comparatively the demise of class politics in Western democracies, and how that affected decision making on significant political reforms. The associated publication “The Partisan Politics of Institutional Welfare State Reform” was awarded the best paper prize for articles published in the Journal of European Public Policy in 2015.
Effective start/end date01/09/201131/08/2015


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