BVL - TRL - Town, Road and Landscape - 2.154.000 dkr. (external funding)

  • Harder, Henrik (Project Licensee)
  • Nielsen, Thomas A. S. (Project Participant)
  • Hansen, Carsten Jahn (Project Participant)

Project Details


The research project aims to analyse the changes in urbanization and landscapes following the investments in motorways in Denmark since the 1960s - and to set up a vision for future developments and spatial relations within motorway corridors. At present the motorway network connects the major Danish population centres and is gradually being expanded. The hypothesis of the research project is that the motorway network has influenced patterns of urban growth and transport patterns as well as the general perception of distances, urban areas, and landscapes. The network is also a significant structure with a lasting influence on urban and rural areas - making new types of development and new ways to experience the environment possible in the future. The project is organized in three phases focusing on urban development in motorway corridors, the landscape, spatial/perceptual relations between road and landscape, and finally visions for future motorway sections' relations with the townscape and landscape. Byen, Vejen og Landskabet (Town, Road and Landscape) - Aalborg University in collaboration with KVL (The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University) and the Danish Road Directorate. Project responsible: Carsten Kjær Sørensen, Leader of the project, deputy head.
Effective start/end date01/08/199901/08/2005


  • Mobility
  • Planning
  • Urban areas
  • transport


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