Carbon 20 - Public Private Partnerships for Climate Solutions

Project Details


The overall objectives of the project is:
To innovate local Public Private Partnerships for Climate Solutions and to reduce the emission
of green house gases from private enterprises through Public Private Partnerships.
The specific objectives of the project are:
1. Development, implementation and demonstration of efficient models for Public Private
Partnerships for climate planning and carbon reductions in private enterprises.
2. Development of organisational and technical competences and tools in local administrations to
analyse and document climate reduction potentials and to initiate and facilitate climate friendly
initiatives in private companies.
3. Reduction of Carbon Footprint by 20% for at least 100 enterprises (within both industry and the
service sector) involved in the partnerships.
4. Analysis and comparative assessment of the developed and applied PPP approaches and
dissemination of findings and recommendations to European municipalities and enterprise
AcronymCarbon 20
Effective start/end date01/01/201127/02/2014


  • LIFE+


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