Physical Chemistry of the CatLiq process

  • Nielsen, Rudi P. (Project Participant)
  • Søgaard, Erik Gydesen (Project Participant)
  • Thomsen, Kaj (Project Participant)
  • von Solms, Nicolas (Project Participant)
  • Iversen, Steen B. (Project Participant)

    Project Details


    Different kinds of biomass is converted to oil, minerals and water by the CatLiq process. The process goes on at high temperature and pressure in near critical water conditions and by addition of homogeneous and heterogenoeus catalysts. Besides at AAUE where the physical chemistry of the process in general is investigated other parts of the project goes on at Institute for Energy Technology, AAU (modelling) and at the Department of Chemistry, AU (production and investigation of heterogeneous catalyst). The distribution of the different oil compounds is analysed at AAUE. Small scale laboratory reactors are designed and built for detailed investigation of the conversion of different substrates of pure and complex origen.
    Effective start/end date01/06/200606/09/2010

    Collaborative partners

    • Technical University of Denmark (Project partner)
    • SCF-Technologies A/S (Project partner)


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    • Catliq processen, biomasse, olie, nær kritisk vandle


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