Clinical Handover

Project Details


This project aims to conduct an exploratory research on the work practices of shift-to-shift medical and nursing handover in five countries – Australia, Denmark, Norway, United States and Brazil, utilizing video observation methods, with a view to eventually developing a system to support clinical handover practices.
The project aims to define shift-to-shift clinical handover practices across different countries and healthcare services. It further aims to develop a common understanding of the clinical handover process and explore the work practices in clinical handover in these countries. This project then aims to develop systems to improve clinical handover practices utilizing a user-centered approach.
This project will be the first of its kind to explore and define clinical handover practices across different countries from the views of clinicians. This will help better define the process and develop an improved understanding of potential initiatives that could improve clinical hando-ver.
AcronymClinical Handover
Effective start/end date01/10/201201/10/2015

Collaborative partners

  • University of Tasmania (Project partner)


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